abhaykatheria's Blog

Final Blog Post

Published: 08/28/2020


So this is the Final Blog post. GsoC was Super fun I learned a lot interacted with cool people, made a network of awesome developers, worked under the best mentors. You can check my work product here

It was an awesome experience thanks to PSF and my mentors for such an awesome opportunity  :)

I will keep on contrubuting to PSF after gsoc.

Cheers, have a good one...

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Weekly Check-in #7

Published: 08/23/2020

What did I do this week?

I finalised my work this week and prepared for final evaluation also helped test the multistage analysis patch by ForgetMe17.

What's next?

I will try to implement the license parser after gsoc is over I will still be contributing to tern.

Did I get stuck somewhere?


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Weekly Blog Post #6

Published: 08/20/2020

So I took this week off to prepare for college tests meanwhile i have been working on license extraction from copyrights string i found a package called scancode toolkit which have a sub-module called licensedcode which can help in this objective but since its in early production phase i am coming across a lot of bugs like scancode library does not work on py3.7or py3.8. and its api module is also buggy so i am looking into it. I hope I will finish this by the end of this week.:P


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Weekly Check-in #6

Published: 08/10/2020

What did I do this week?

So Rose opened up a pr which will allow tern to set the environment variables. Which really shrinks the size of shell scripts required to get metadata. I also finalized my pr for metadata collection.

What's next?

Waiting for the pr to be approved by mentors :)

Did I get stuck somewhere?

Still stuck with parsing copyrights to obtain license.

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Weekly Blog Post #5

Published: 08/06/2020

Hi everyone  a little late on this blog as I have to go back to college to get my stuff back. I passed the second evaluation, yay,. Till now I have been able to get the module metadata except the licenses. The licenses can be collected in 2 ways one is through making bash scripts to find and collect licenses from the module directory. Since licenses files dont have a set structure or a convention that's why its getting difficult and a foolproof  guarantee cant be given. Another way is through making an in house copyright to License parser. For debian licenses we have debut  used in tern I have to come up with similar kind of parser. I also have one idea of training a model from data collected by using github's api but thats just overkill.

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