Weekly Check-In #11

Published: 08/16/2021

What did you do this week?

This week I put some final touches to all the work I have done:

  1. I fixed one bug found on the Brython module achieved in the first milestone that limit the use of triple quotes for a string. Here is the PR
  2. I splitted the last lecture I could. Since TWP52 is under edition by other collaborator. Here is the PR.
  3. Another split structure was proposed so I opened one PR as an example of how that structure would look with one of the lectures. PR.
  4. I fixed the quiz numeration since quiz8 did not exist. Here is the PR.
  5. I numbered sub toctrees. Here is the PR.
  6. Finally I built an update to the fork with runestone since the books that are built from the fork were not responsive. Here is the PR.

I also found 2 other alternatives to the database lecture:

  • One is using the sql.js library to store the database in a global variable that can be called or used from a Brython activecode block. Here is the PR. This is a work in progress since I was able to create that global database but not call it inside the iframe of the activecode block.
  • The other option was to use the SQL language for runestone. However, whenever I tried to use this tool an error of CORS policy was showing up. Even when I tried following the same example Runestone has in their instructor guide. I opened a draft PR since this is not working.
  • What is coming up next?

    All final touches are done. I look forward to document all my work and open some new issues explaining with detail what was left to do for the future contributors of PyZombis.

    Did you get stuck anywhere?

    I did! Several occasions. Fixing the Brython module bug was a hard one. Also finding the database lecture alternatives was a big struggle. These two are still under construction. I will try to find help for this one and document all my attempts.




    Settings from gsoc.settings



    SQL queries from 1 connection

    Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

    Templates (11 rendered)

    Cache calls from 1 backend


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