annbgn's Blog

final update

Published: 08/23/2021

this is a post with links to work which was done during GSoC
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weekly update 16 August - 22 August

Published: 08/16/2021

1. What did you do this week? not a lot, just fixed a test for translation. What is coming up next? fix nackward compability in `of type` selector pr 3. Did you get stuck anywhere? no
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weekly update 9 August - 15 August

Published: 08/11/2021

1. What did you do this week? a) implemented :where() pseudo class support b) asked questions on complex selectors translations c) literally forgot to make a blog post on Monday (It has never been like this and now it is exactly the same again (с)). What is coming up next? fix test in :has() pr, implement translations for complex selectors in :not() 3. Did you get stuck anywhere? got sick and missed a lot of notifications :(
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weekly update 1 August - 8 August

Published: 08/04/2021

1. What did you do this week? a) run black in existing prs, hoping it will fix test coverage b) made a draft pr for #51, reusing code from my previous pr c) literally forgot to make a blog post on Monday. What is coming up next? coninue solving #51 issue, make a pr to add :where() support 3. Did you get stuck anywhere? linters and test coverage checks really make me suffer
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weekly update 26 July - 1 August

Published: 07/27/2021

1. What did you do this week? a) expanded tests on `has` pr, b) allowed complex seletors in `of S` pr and made some passing(!) tests c) literally forgot to make a blog post on Monday. What is coming up next? start solving #51 issue, 3. Did you get stuck anywhere? no, but it feels like all that i was doing was resolving conflicts
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