What did I do this week?
Below are the tasks that I worked on:-- AAdded Horizontal/Vertical Layout to the layout module: These PRs add support for Horizontal/Vertical layouts. These layouts allow the actors to be placed in a horizontal/vertical stack.
- Finalizing Card2D UI element: As panel border, wrap overflow PRs were merged this week I updated the Card2D UI to take advantage of these features.
- Added GSoC blog posts: Added GSoC blog posts in .rst format for the FURY's blog website. Also reviewed the blog posts of other members.
- Added support for dragging by label text/icon in Tree2D UI: Added support for dragging TreeNode2D by the label text/icon. This will help making the Tree2D as well as TreeNode2D UIs more mobile.
Did I get stuck anywhere?
For now I am not stuck anywhere but I have yet to start my work on freetype this could pose some trouble.What is coming up next week?
Next week I will finish the remaining UI elements which includes Accordion2D, SpinBox2D.See you guys next week!