Weekly Check-in #12: (9 Aug - 15 Aug)

Published: 08/13/2019

What did you do this week?

  • Benchmarking Protego (again). This time we crawled multiple domains (~1,100 domains) and downloaded links to pages as the crawler encounter them. We downloaded 111, 824 links in total.
    • Next we made each robots.txt parser - parse and answer query (we made parsers answer each query 5 times) in an order similar to how they would need to in a broad crawl. Here are the results :

Protego :

25th percentile : 0.002419 seconds
50th percentile : 0.006798 seconds
75th percentile : 0.014307 seconds
100th percentile : 2.546978 seconds
Total Time : 19.545984 seconds

RobotFileParser (default in Scrapy) :

25th percentile : 0.002188 seconds
50th percentile : 0.005350 secondsstyle
75th percentile : 0.010492 seconds
100th percentile : 1.805923 seconds
Total Time : 13.799954 seconds

Rerp Parser :
25th percentile : 0.001288 seconds
50th percentile : 0.005222 seconds
75th percentile : 0.014640 seconds
100th percentile : 52.706880 seconds
Total Time : 76.460496 seconds

Reppy Parser :
25th percentile : 0.000210 seconds
50th percentile : 0.000492 seconds
75th percentile : 0.000997 seconds
100th percentile : 0.129440 seconds
Total Time: 1.405558  seconds


  • Removing an hack used in Protego due to lack of an option to ignore characters in `urllib.parse.unquote`. Added few new features to Protego as well. 
  • Protego has been moved to Scrapy organisation.

What is coming up next?

  • Configuring Travis to push to PyPI automatically.
  • Introducing a new `ROBOTSTXT_USER_AGENT` setting in Scrapy.
  • Making `SitemapCrawler` use the new interface.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

I got blocked by StackExchange for few hours. laugh I think they don't like crawlers on their websites. "It is a temporary automatic ban that is put up by our HAProxy instance when you hit our rate limiter." they answered to one of the questions on their website.




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages