Weekly Check-in #9 : ( 19 July - 26 July )

Published: 07/23/2019

What did you do this week?

  • I added tests to make sure Protego doesn't throw exceptions on `robots.txt` of top 10,000 most popular websites.
  • Utilised Scrapy to create a tool to download `robots.txt` of top 10,000 most popular websites.
  • Benchmarked Protego : I ran Protego(written in Python), Robotexclusionrulesparser(written in Python), Reppy(written in C++ but has Python interface) on 570 `robots.txt` downloaded from top 1000 websites, and here are the results.
    • Time spend parsing the `robots.txt`
      • Protego : 79.00128873897484 seconds  broken heart
      • Robotexclusionrulesparser : 0.30100024401326664 seconds
      • Reppy : 0.05821833698428236 seconds
    • Time spend answering queries (1000 queries (all were identical) per `robots.txt`)
      • Protego : 14.736387926022871 seconds
      • Robotexclusionrulesparser : 67.33521732398367 seconds
      • Reppy : 1.0866852040198864 seconds
  • Added logging to Protego.

What is coming up next?

  • Will depend on the review from the mentors. If everything looks good to them, I would shift my focus back on Scrapy.
  • Make `SitemapSpider` use the new interface for `robots.txt` parsers.
  • Implement Crawl-delay & Host directive support in Scrapy.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

  • Nothing major.



Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages