Weekly Blog #2 ( 15th June - 22nd June)

Published: 06/21/2020

Hi all , so we have had 3 weeks of coding till now and overall am pleased with the progress of the project. It has been going smoothly without too many major issues.
The three major milestones achieved this week were :-
1. Created a draft PR for incorporation with date-parser. The number-parser library is constantly improving but one of the major goals was also to incorporate it with other Scrapy libraries (primarily date-parser and price-parser). The incorporation needed to be seamless without too much modification to the date-parser base code. Once number-parser library improves we can add it as a dependency.
2. Issue creation and resolution on the number-parser library. Since we are done with the MVP , we can now move to a more organized structure where we are now discussing bugs/features and I am able to create PRs to target specific issues.
3. Implemented a parse_number feature that allows to parse single numbers written in natural language. eg) 'fifty seven' -> 57 , 'cats' -> None

The plan for  next-week is to tackle the multi-language feature (starting with spanish,hindi,russian) and hopefully by the end of the week will have the pipeline to incorporate multiple languages in place.




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages