ayushsatyam146's Blog

Approaching Typescript migration

Published: 09/01/2022

What have I done till now?

After I got done with Next.js migration, state management, and logical cleanup of the code base; I approached the typescript migration since it was one of the major aspects of my project. I have completed approximately 90% of the typescript migration. Only context and reducer files are left to be converted to typescript. There are some minute typescript and limiting errors in some files but I will soon resolve them as well.

What is coming up next?

I will complete the typescript migration and resolve some of the remaining bugs that are still left. As discussed with my mentors I will approach towards improving the SEO after I am done with the typescript migration.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

I did not get stuck anywhere this week.

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Completing re-implementation and code cleanup

Published: 08/24/2022

What have I done till now?

Completing the re-implementation of the state management code and isolating all the major logical portions into separate functions. I also had to re-implement some of the features that I added during the pre-contribution phase. I minimized the number of side effects running by consolidating the side effect logic into fewer functions.

What is coming up next?

I will add the SSR support in the Next.js app and start migrating to Typescript simultaneously. I will simultaneously research about testing methodologies and procedures.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

I did not get stuck anywhere this week.

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Re-implementing some of the components and functions

Published: 08/18/2022

What have I done till now?

I have completed state management and resolved some of the new bugs that appeared during the process. I also refactored a huge portion of the existing JSX structure of the components to make them more efficient and clean. I am still working on the process of refactoring and rewriting some functions of the existing code-base.

What is coming up next?

I will complete re-implementing the logical functions of the app to simplify and isolate all the logical elements related to URL params, state syncing and state update.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

I did not get stuck anywhere this week.

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Finishing off state management

Published: 08/11/2022

What have I done till now?

I was finally able to migrate all the states and functions to the reducer and render the initial UI of the app.
There are still some minor bugs here and there that need to be fixed. All the side effects and all conditional UI renders are also working properly. I have set up all dispatches in the reducer functions properly.

What is coming up next?

I will need a bit more time in making all the elements and functional calls work properly. I will also add SSR for the Next.js app and soon begin with TS migration.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

The initial code base was not so well managed regarding state handling and conditional renders. A lot of unnecessary side effects are running causing the state to get mutated in an unpredictable fashion. It was solvable but it took a lot of time in debugging such cases.

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Weekly Blog #2

Published: 07/22/2022

What did I do this week?

Earlier, the basic Next.js migration was done with all the pages but SVGs for the icons were not getting fetched. I tried to implement various methods to make the SVGs show up. I was able to show all the SVGs after using the CDN links for providing icons. I also completed all the necessary changes for vercel sponsorship of our project. I have also planned and structured the state management and refactoring for the Icon tray of the site.

What is coming up next?

I will try to complete the state management and code refactoring by this week. I will also try to complete doing SSR for some of the pages in the app and do some bug fixes.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

I didn't get stuck anywhere for that long. I was able to figure out the solution for icon SVGs after some research and discussion with my mentors.

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