chirag's Blog

Weekly Check-In #13

Published: 08/31/2023

What did I do this week?

This was the final week of GSoC program. I completed my final report and submitted the final evaluation form.

What's coming up next?

Everything is almost completed. There are only minor reviews pending on the filter task however I ran into issue with VM on Macbook and I can't access my primary laptop till next Monday. I'm fixing the issue so we can merge the PR by next week.

Did I get stuck anywhere?


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Weekly Check-In #12

Published: 08/24/2023

What did I do this week?

I worked on further changes and improvement to my filter PR, mostly code refactoring as suggested by my mentor. The PR is complete from functionality point-of-view and only internal changes are left now.

What's coming up next?

I'm aiming to complete rest of minor changes in upcoming days and merge the PR by this month.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

I had some issue with writing tests due to a bug where a pyqt signal wasn't disconnected properly raising exception on executing new dialog window. I disconnected the signal properly and it's fixed now.

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Weekly Check-In #11

Published: 08/15/2023

What did I do this week?

I completed the filtering feature this week and it's ready for review.

What's coming up next?

I'm awaiting a review on the PR currently and I'll add unit tests in upcoming days. This is the last pending task for this GSoC project.

Did I get stuck anywhere?


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Weekly Check-In #10

Published: 08/08/2023

What did I do this week?

Finally my Integration Test PR is merged and I also progressed on my passphrase change feature last week which is also almost ready to be merged.

What's coming up next?

I am planning to complete my Filtering feature PR by second week which would conclude my GSoC '23.

Did I get stuck anywhere?


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Weekly Check-In #9

Published: 08/01/2023

What did I do this week?

Last week was hectic as my college opened and I have a lot of classes this semester. For the development task, I worked more on the filtering task. I added size filter, improved the general search syntax based on my mentor's input and added this same feature to the extract view. I also worked on an old PR for borgmatic while another old PR for vorta to add a common password input widget was merged. 

What's coming up next?

For the filtering task, 2-3 filters dependent on view (Diff or Extract) are pending now. I plan to add them this week and also work on another PR which was dependent on Password Input Widget which is now merged.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Not in the development but I felt a bit overwhelmed this week.

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