1. What did you do this week?
Unfortunately, the read-curry-PR is still not done, so I had to focus on this problem once again. However, i still had a little bit time to focus on the main project besides. There, i started to introduce more structured tests for both, multitaper and morlet transformed source level data.
2. What is coming up next?
I just REALLY hope that the are no more things in need of change with the currently running read curry PR and I finally can focus entirely on the main task.
3. Did you get stuck anywhere?
There were some wishes to refactor the testing suite for mor clarity (which is of course a good thing), but also some needs of additional coverage. Additional coverage, however, in this case meant additional testing data. This testing data wouldn‘t be a problem if it wasn‘t a relatively time-consuming process. Testing data must need to be added in the testing repository, and then after adding, version and download hash have to be adapted in the main repository, before being able to commit the changes that would rely on this data. Of course, its important to maintain a stable repo, but as said, it can really stretch out the developing process.