epassaro's Blog

Check in: Final

Published: 08/23/2019

1. What did you do this week?

  • Polished my final evaluation
  • Started working in how to add Chianti levels and lines to the atomic files.
  • GSoC'19 has ended!


2. What is coming up next?

I'll keep working with the TARDIS team and contributing to their codebase :)

3. Did you get stuck anywhere?

No, I didn't.

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Blog post: Week 12

Published: 08/18/2019

Hi everyone!

End of summer is close, and we are doing some interesting stuff here :)

This week we mainly focused on doing some integrity tests to our new atomic files, and finally running some TARDIS simulations with them! My objective was to ensure we're getting an identical atomic files with my new module.

Next week I'll run more simulations and polish the documentation. Also, I started to write my final evaluation for GSoC'19.

Last months have been really fun and exciting!

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Check in: Week 11

Published: 08/09/2019

1. What did you do this week?

Finally the new parser for Kurucz line list is ready! (see PR #146). Made several tests to check if the new output matches the old one. Also started working in an up to date notebook for the section "Creating the TARDIS example database"  in the Carsus documentation.


2. What is coming up next?

I have to work on how to add Chianti levels and lines and then run some simulations.


3. Did you get stuck anywhere?

No, everything worked out :)

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Blog post: Week 10

Published: 08/04/2019

Hi everyone!

We made huge progress with the new Kurucz parser (it's almost ready!). As I said last week, this is a difficult task and involves reestructuring different pieces of existing code and some knowledge the atomic structure and physics.

In this notebook you can see a demonstration on how the new GFALL class returns the same DataFrames than the old API. Next step consist in adding metastable flags for lines and levels.

Once this work is completed we should discuss how to move on. Probably we want to automatize the process of making new atomic files: every time a source is updated (for example NIST atomic weights) trigger a new build.

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Check in: Week 9

Published: 07/27/2019

1. What did you do this week?

This week I worked on the new Kurucz line list parser. Also, I finished the CMFGEN pipeline (merged PR #143).

NIST (PR #144) and Knox Long's recombination zeta (PR #145) are almost finished too.


2. What is coming up next?

I will continue working on the Kurucz parser.


3. Did you get stuck anywhere?

Kurucz parser is a really difficult one! It's taking me longer than I expected.

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