Articles on diwash007's Bloghttps://blogs.python-gsoc.orgUpdates on different articles published on diwash007's BlogenMon, 29 Aug 2022 14:00:39 +0000Weekly Blog Post 13<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I carried out the following tasks this week:</p> <ul> <li>fixed issue <a href="">#530</a> <br> The images added to the blogs weren't being aligned as per set by the user. I fixed that to show the correct alignment on the blogposts.<br>  </li> </ul> <h2><strong>What am I planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be working on preparing submission for final evaluation.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>No</p> (diwash007)Mon, 29 Aug 2022 14:00:39 +0000 Blog Post 12<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I carried out the following tasks this week:</p> <ul> <li><b>GitHub Actions Workflow</b> <ul> <li>Added GitHub actions workflow to run the project on virtual Linux environment to carry out testing for proper project implementation</li> <li>Added GitHub actions workflow to check for PEP8 style issues in the code submitted<br>  </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2><strong>What am I planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be looking at the new issue #530.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>No</p> (diwash007)Mon, 22 Aug 2022 14:32:01 +0000 Blog Post 11<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I was quite sick this week. I carried out the following tasks this week:</p> <ul> <li><b>Midterm and Final-term Reminder</b> <ul> <li>Since every required task has been completed, I started looking for issues</li> <li>Replaced hard-coded dates to use variable DaysConf value<br>  </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2><strong>What am I planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be working on finding issues with the new revamped system.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>No</p> (diwash007)Mon, 15 Aug 2022 13:28:14 +0000 Blog Post 10<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I carried out following tasks this week:</p> <ul> <li><b>Midterm and Final-term Reminder</b> <ul> <li>Updated the reminder dates</li> <li>Fixed issues with date and datetime</li> <li>Refactored evaluation builders to build with a single builder<br>  </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be working on finding issue on the new revamped system.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Didn't got stuck into particularly anything for long as long as I remember.</p> (diwash007)Tue, 09 Aug 2022 05:34:27 +0000 Blog Post 9<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I carried out following tasks this week:</p> <ul> <li><b>Midterm and Final-term Reminder</b> <ul> <li>Generated a formula to calculate the reminder dates for each timelines</li> <li>Implemented builders for term reminders</li> <li>Updated BPDD generator to generate only 22 articles</li> <li>Fixed issue with BPDD generator<br>  </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be working on finishing midterm and final evaluation reminder system.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Date vs DateTime issue has arisen. I will fix it next week.</p> (diwash007)Mon, 01 Aug 2022 08:45:33 +0000 Blog Post 8<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I carried out following tasks this week:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Fix warning caused by Debug Toolbar</strong> <ul> <li>There was an error being thrown by the debug toolbar on the mentor's side.</li> <li>I hadn't set up debug toolbar so I went ahead and set it up on my system.</li> <li>I used similar settings as the mentor but couldn't get the warning on my side</li> <li>So I updated the code as per the Django Debug Toolbar documentation</li> <li>That might fix the warning from occuring</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Fix student template issue</strong> <ul> <li>Error was being thrown by the system saying that student_template variable was accessed before it's declaration.</li> <li>I went ahead and searched for the issues underlying it.</li> <li>Found out that we had set first_post_reminder_days value to negative</li> <li>Which was causing the condition set up on the script to not procceed</li> <li>I updated the days value and it was ready to go</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be working on implementing midterm and final evaluation reminder system.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> (diwash007)Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:50:18 +0000 Blog Post 7<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I carried out following tasks this week:</p> <ul> <li>Updated auto BPDD generator to generate them between the start and end GSoC date</li> <li>Update timeline revamp to support max and standard GSoC end date</li> <li>Fixed menu item reversing problem</li> <li>Added feature to review articles through admin panel</li> <li>Added option to mark all articles of a student as reviewed in a single click</li> <li>Fixed errors occuring on clean install runcron command</li> <li>Cleaned menu items</li> <li>Fixed other small issues</li> </ul> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be working on fixing warning of debug toolbar. Also I will implement midterm and final evaluation reminder system.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> (diwash007)Mon, 18 Jul 2022 12:44:09 +0000 Blog Post 6<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>This week I refactored the OAuth stuff removing all the deprecating stuff. I also added default reminder data on the data fixtures. </p> <p>Updated the mysql migration to run freely. <br> Encountered issue "Suborg is not a namespace". Took a while to solve it by merging old and new fixtures.<br> Updated runcron email system.<br> Cached blog post randomization based on IP of the users.<br> Updated refresh token to automatically refresh the token on local server as well as the Apache server.<br> Added Gsoc end date to the Google Calendar.<br> Fixed issues with Gsoc End Date.<br> Added Start date on the timeline.<br> Revamped timeline to support extended</p> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be solving more issues.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> (diwash007)Mon, 11 Jul 2022 16:58:08 +0000 Blog Post 5<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>This week I explored some linting stuff. I updated blog posts to automatically generate title based on the count. Updated OAuth to use the BASE DIR so that it ll run on the Apache server as expected. I fixed merge conflicts and explored pypi stuffs.</p> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be solving more issues.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> (diwash007)Mon, 04 Jul 2022 06:41:01 +0000 Blog Post 4<h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I had my college internal exams this week. So not much contribution.<br> Migrated events to CRON.<br> Updated OAuth configuration.<br> Upgraded hardcoded reminder values to changeable variables.<br> Removed redundant page menu for students.<br> Tested GitHub Actions</p> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be solving more issues.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> <h2><strong>Contribution chart</strong></h2> <p><img alt="" height="210" src="/media/uploads/c46e6069-b50c-414f-8e73-69fa0cacfb43.png" width="350"></p> <p> </p> <p>You can find my full time sheet here: <a href=""></a></p> (diwash007)Sun, 26 Jun 2022 15:01:06 +0000 Blog Post 3<p><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></p> <p>This week I made the send email function to use BCC.<br> update issue 476, 477, 478 and 420.<br> updated and deleted timeline signal to actually work.<br> Added sanitization on suborg's name.</p> <p>Fixed delete user blog list page error 500.<br> Handled 404 error on feed of year with no posts.<br> Migrated sqlite to MySQL.<br> Learnt how cron stuff was working and started implementing cron stuff for timelines.</p> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>I have my internal exams next week. So lesser contribution.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> <h2><strong>Contribution chart</strong></h2> <p>Will update the contribution chart soon</p> <p> </p> <p>You can find my full time sheet here: <a href=""></a></p> (diwash007)Mon, 20 Jun 2022 09:35:14 +0000 Blog Post 2<p><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></p> <p>This week I worked on several issues.<br> I restricted creation of blank user profiles. I implemented invitation acceptance feature so that user are associated with any suborg only after they accept the invitation.<br> I created a method to handle CSRF failure. I updated the mentors email export feature.<br> I implemented feature to send emails to admin on a new mentor or suborg admins acceptance. I implemented constraint to remove builders when removing timelines.</p> <p>I added feature to update builders date on updating timeline date. I also added restriction on adding GSoC year until the end of GSoC.</p> <p>I restricted to profiles without suborg to appear on admin-gsoc-invites page. I also updated suborg application list to fetch by user instead of their email.</p> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be solving more issues.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> <h2><strong>Contribution chart</strong></h2> <p><img alt="" height="252" src="/media/uploads/4da9cfae-1758-4acb-9090-97b49a991fb4.png" width="420"></p> <p> </p> <p>You can find my full time sheet here: <a href=""></a></p> (diwash007)Sun, 12 Jun 2022 14:53:20 +0000 Blog Post 1<p>You might be wondering that the coding period has not even started but a blog post is published. Actually, me and my mentor, Botanic (Matthew Lagoe) decided to start it before the official coding period.</p> <h2><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></h2> <p>I started my contribution on 31st May. On that day, I worked on the issue: <a href=""></a><br> I had already worked on that issue and made the function give proper admin roles. So, I started working on the other part of the code where I had to implement the RegLink sending procedure if the user is not registered on the system yet. After implementing that, I eliminated multiple entries on the suborg table when the application was accepted. Later I introduced exception handling for better organization of the code.</p> <p>Another issue that I covered this week is <a href=""></a>. I added a new admin panel to see those users who haven't yet accepted the invite. There arose the issue of getting duplicate users, so I had to eliminate duplicates from the reglink.</p> <p>To eliminate RegLink duplication, I started working on implementing boundaries on every reglink creation to check for duplicate and eliminate it. Later, I removed those codes from each object creation call and implemented the duplication handling code directly onto the RegLink model by overriding the default save method. I also migrated to MySql form SQLite since the site was using MySql. PR: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Another issue I covered is <a href=""></a>. I removed the button that was leading to the issue.</p> <p>Another issue I covered is <a href=""></a>. I updated the filters and displayed them on the admin panel.</p> <p>Another issue I covered is <a href=""></a> . I implemented a function to export mentors for the current GSoC year in a .csv file.</p> <p>Another issue I covered is <a href=""></a> . I updated the application list view to fetch applications with user instead of email.</p> <p>Other issues I am covering: #456 #461</p> <h2><strong>What I am planning for next week?</strong></h2> <p>Next week I will be solving more issues.</p> <h2><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></h2> <p>Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.</p> <h2><strong>Contribution chart</strong></h2> <p><img alt="" height="255" src="/media/uploads/e1a68b6f-853f-4aea-862b-21dfa1058e04.png" width="425"></p> <p>You can find my full time sheet here: <a href=""></a></p> (diwash007)Sun, 05 Jun 2022 13:58:52 +0000