Articles on kayb's Bloghttps://blogs.python-gsoc.orgUpdates on different articles published on kayb's BlogenSun, 25 Aug 2019 08:03:30 +0000GSoC Weekly Checkin<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></p> <p>This was the last week of GSoC. I fixed some previous code and some errors with the Icons-picker API. Right now I am working to add Animated Icons support for the Icons Picker. The back-end part of it is done, so if an API request is made with Animated icons name in the JSON, the custom font will have only those icons. Now I have to implement the use of API and Animated icons selector in front end.</p> <p>Also, this week I submitted the final evaluation. This is the link that have all the project contributions I made: <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>What is coming up next week?</strong></p> <p>Nothing :'(<br> GSoC ends next week. But I will still keep contributing to EOS and other open source projects</p> <p><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></p> <p>Yes, in the front end of Animated icons selector, the animated icons are written in css so they are inheriting other CSS too. That caused a bit of a problem.</p> <p>Till next time,<br> Cheers!</p> (kayb)Sun, 25 Aug 2019 08:03:30 +0000 weekly blog<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p>This week is the second last week and next week we will have our final evaluations. This week I just fixed and improved my previous code. </p> <p>The other student was working on the Icons cheatsheet and after he completed it, I used some of his components and used them in my code too so that the UI looks consistent. Also the API was having some issues with custom font generation so I am currently working on that. </p> <p>Thanks for reading</p> <p>Cheers!</p> (kayb)Sun, 25 Aug 2019 07:44:35 +0000 Weekly Checkin<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></p> <p>After the Front end was connected, we noticed some bugs with the API. It wasn't working due to some packages that were not being installed in heroku. So we added an Apt file for that. Once that being done, I added extended icons version support for Icons Picker so that there are lots of icons to choose from.</p> <p><strong>What is coming up next week?</strong></p> <p>Next week I have to implement some features like, auto download after some time interval, loading animation etc.</p> <p><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></p> <p>The only problem was figuring out why the API wasn't working right which we did take some good time.</p> <p>Till next time,<br> Cheers!</p> (kayb)Fri, 16 Aug 2019 20:20:52 +0000 week #9<p>Hello everyone,</p> <p>In week 9, My front end changes to connect the EOS-icons with backend API was merged and it is live at <a href=""></a></p> <p>But after this another GSoC student merged his code and some issues were happening and some part of front end seems to be broken due to inherited styling. The good thing is all the features are working and the UI looks pretty smooth too.</p> (kayb)Fri, 16 Aug 2019 20:16:49 +0000 Weekly Checkin<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p>Second Evaluations are over and passed it with a great feedback.</p> <p><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></p> <p>This week after everyone approved the new Icons Picker page, I made its front end and and connected it with the API. The front end part is completed and I am still working on a bit of JS to for more functionality and connecting it with the API I made. </p> <p><strong>What is coming up next week?</strong></p> <p>My project is almost completed. Next week we plan to test it and improve User Experience. Meanwhile, I wait for other student to complete his part of project so that I can implement components of my project to it.</p> <p><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></p> <p>Not much, but some linter errors  gave me a really hard time.</p> <p>Till next time,<br> Cheers!</p> (kayb)Tue, 30 Jul 2019 19:36:03 +0000 week #7<p>Hey everyone,</p> <p>This is week 7th of Google Summer of Code 2019. So far, I have made the backend of my project and only some things need to be done (regarding deployment and hosting) and it will be working fine. This week I am preparing to start with the left over front end part. So I started with desigining prototype on Adobe XD. Since my project is 70% backend and the front end part is almost similar to the Cheatsheet part which other GSoC student is already working on, so I have to take his prototype and code and just implement my Icons Picker features in it. </p> <p>Here is the link to the prototype: <a href=""></a></p> <p>PS: Link might not work later because adobe only allows one active link :P</p> <p>Thanks for reading</p> <p>Cheers!</p> (kayb)Sat, 20 Jul 2019 17:41:11 +0000 Weekly Check-in<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p>This is 7th week of GSoC 2019, just one week away from 2nd Evaluations. Here's what I did this week.</p> <p><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></p> <p>This week was a bit relaxing. I didn't do much except making changes in my old PR for improvement of Icons Picker API. Added some features like zipping folders, providing a separate route for download of files and improved file structure. There were a few changes my mentors told me to make in that PR so that the code matches all the other repos. Except that I started working on the current version of EOS-icons while the new version is still in development.</p> <p><strong>What is coming up next week?</strong></p> <p>In one or two days the code base for new version of EOS-icons will be ready which brings some major changes like moving to pug from HTML templates, using Gulp instead of Grunt and a lot more. Once that is done, I'll make the icons-picker and connect it with API.</p> <p><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></p> <p>Yes, I am still stuck on some error with heroku deployment. I tested it locally and the solution seems to work. Once my PR is merged I'll try to make the changes in it.</p> <p>Till next time,<br> Cheers!</p> (kayb)Tue, 16 Jul 2019 20:20:02 +0000 weekly blog<p>Hey everyone,</p> <p>I got the API and basic model working by the first evaluations and now I am adding more functionality to it and improving it day by day. Once the I configured gitlab and Heroku for automatic deployment of the API. I found some errors regarding the package installation but instead of fixing it I first improved the file structure and made the code clean. </p> <p>After that I have added a route to download zip file through GET request. Grunt only creates a folder with all the files so I also had to convert it to zip which I did this week.</p> <p>The code looks very clean and better than earlier now. I have made a separate file with classes and methods to handle the Grunt command and file generations. Once this Merge request is approved by mentors, I'll test the API and connect it with the front-end of EOS Icons. The EOS-Icons front end is also in development so once the other student completes it, I'll have to merge my changes with the new version of EOS Icons.</p> <p>Thanks for reading</p> <p>Cheers!</p> (kayb)Tue, 09 Jul 2019 18:22:33 +0000 Weekly Check in<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p>I totally forgot about the blog this week. Anyway, the first evaluations are done and I passed it successfully.</p> <p><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></p> <p>This week my mentors made a heroku instance for the Icons Picker and I configured gitlab CI to deploy the code to it.</p> <p>Here's the link to the repository: <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>What is coming up next week?</strong></p> <p>Next week I am gonna improve the file structure and will try to implement OOP instead of manually creating objects. Also, I have to make zip file from folder to make it downloadable.</p> <p><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></p> <p>Yes, I am still getting the error. Some packages aren't being installed to my heroku instance and I still couldn't figure out why</p> <p>Till next time,<br> Cheers!</p> (kayb)Tue, 09 Jul 2019 18:01:04 +0000 week #4<p>Hello everyone,<br>  </p> <p>This is 4th week of my GSoC project and First Evaluations are here. In this week, I implemented the front end part to the current EOS-icons project, but it is not public yet. Now I have to host the API and Configure the Gitlab CI for its deployment. Once the API is up and running, I'll have to connect my front end to make request to its end points. Once that is done, I have a lot of more things to implement in the API and EOS-icons. For example, the project can only generate a custom font for one set only (EOS set or Extended version). Since we don't have much animated icons for now, they are being added manually. I plan to automate that process too. I have asked my mentors to create a heroku instance for the API, once that is done I'll test the API and proceed ahead. </p> <p>Thanks for reading</p> <p>Cheers!</p> (kayb)Tue, 25 Jun 2019 19:06:18 +0000 Weekly Check-in #2<p>Hello everyone!</p> <p>This is the end of 3rd week since the coding period started. I think I am doing pretty good till now. We planned the upcoming sprint and the tasks to accomplish. Nearly by the end of week 2 I was done with almost all of my tasks. So except the weekly community meeting, we had another one to plan some more work and now to be honest now it really feels like GSoC.</p> <p>About this week:</p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><span style="color: #2ecc71;"><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></span></span></p> <p>In this week I finished my MVP. It's working really smooth. Excpet the icons picker, in this week I implemented a feature through which user can import a JSON file (exported when a font is created) so that they can continue building their iconic font from where they left.</p> <p>Here's the link to the repository: <a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><span style="color: #2ecc71;"><strong>What is coming up next week?</strong></span></span></p> <p>While another student is working on the new design of EOS-icons Landing page, I have to implement the Icons-picker in the old repository only. Once he's done, we'll merge it with the new Landing page and cheatsheet.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><span style="color: #2ecc71;"><strong>Did I get stuck anywhere?</strong></span></span></p> <p>Not particularly, but I had some difficulties setting up the repository. Since the API part is new, we have set up a new repository for that and I had to be super careful with everything. I didn't know there is so much to set up when you are starting a new project. I also have to set up JS linter since the code is super messy right now.</p> <p> </p> <p>Thanks for reading<br> Cheers!</p> (kayb)Mon, 17 Jun 2019 21:30:17 +0000 week #2<p>Hello world,<br>  </p> <p>Two weeks since the coding period began. I probably took the most out of this week. On Tuesday nearly at 4 AM I figured out the way to generate custom icons through node and grunt (Without CLI) and by 6 AM in the morning I had my MVP for project ready. We had our weekly meeting with the mentors on wednesday and I showed te demo to them and everyone liked it. The rest of the days I kept on improving it (although it was a basic prototype).</p> <p><strong>How I Planned to do it?</strong></p> <p>My project is basically to allow users to select icons and build a custom font. I divided this project into two parts. I'll keep the front end part serverless and static and instead of having backend combine with it, I am making an API. The API will be hosted somewhere else. So whenever user selects some icons, an API request is made with all icon names and In the response I return a download link to the zip file that contains all the fonts, html templates, css and stuff.</p> <p> </p> <p>Till  now I tested the API and it's working smooth. For the next week I have to deal with exportation and importation of config files so that users can continue building the same font from where they left.</p> <p>Thanks for reading</p> <p>Cheers!</p> (kayb)Sun, 09 Jun 2019 18:50:59 +0000 Checkin #1<p>Hello,</p> <p>One week past coding period I am writing this blog. My mentors and I had a meeting before the Coding period began in which we decided the upcoming sprint till First Evaluations.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 20px;"><span style="color: #2ecc71;"><strong>What did I do this week?</strong></span></span></p> <p>In this week I had to research a soultion that could help with conversion of svg files to fonts (Svg, ttf, woff, etc). Currently they are using Grunt to generate font from svg icon files but it might not work because it is not much scalable. Grunt can be run through CLI only and only one instance of grunt can run at a time. I researched a lot and tested around 10-12 active npm packages. </p> <p>In mid week I started with wireframe of my project. You can find the link to prototype here(Might be inactive later due to free membership of adobe XD):- <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>Other files(XD file and Low-Fi sketch):- <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>The mentors liked the wireframe and we are now planning to merge it with the EOS -icons Landing page.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 20px;"><span style="color: #2ecc71;">What is coming up next?</span></span></strong></p> <p>For next week I will be again testing the packages and creating a MVP of my project to see if it could work with `grunt` and `node-cmd` only.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="color: #2ecc71;"><span style="font-size: 20px;">Did I get stuck anywhere?</span></span></strong></p> <p>The problems I faced with every webfont generator package was mostly common that the ligatures won't work. So we were again left with Grunt (Webfont plugin) which was the only active package. I looked for ways to access CLI through node and found a package node-cmd that allows to run terminal commands through node. Till now we are planning to test this and if works I will continue using the same packages only. </p> <p>Thanks for reading</p> <p>Cheers!</p> (kayb)Mon, 03 Jun 2019 19:58:40 +0000 Blog - GSoC 2019<p>Hello world,</p> <p>This is my very first blog. Although I am kinda late and the community bonding period is over. The offical Coding period has just begun.</p> <p>In the community bonding period I got to know my mentors a lot. We had weekly meetings on Hangouts where we discussed about how we are gonna work as a team meanwhile knowing the use of Trello and Scrum. The first 20 minutes of meetings are usually stand up where we discuss what we did last week. After that we plan the upcoming sprint.</p> <p> The coding period started yesterday. Today we also had a meeting in which we discussed the sprint (Until first evaluations). It's going amazing till now.</p> (kayb)Tue, 28 May 2019 18:26:25 +0000