Articles on Sudhanshu's Bloghttps://blogs.python-gsoc.orgUpdates on different articles published on Sudhanshu's BlogenSun, 22 Aug 2021 12:46:37 +0000Weekly Check-In #12<h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p>This week I documented my final project report, got it reviewed from mentors and implemented the changes.</p> <h1>What is coming up next?</h1> <p>Contributing more to the code-base</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere?</h1> <p>No</p> (Sudhanshu)Sun, 22 Aug 2021 12:46:37 +0000 Check-In #11 check-in was due 08/15/2021 <h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p>This week I worked on a streaming source dfpreprocess (which would be renamed as df) with the help of Mentor John, I also worked on some example datasets which we can use and create documentation on how we can use the cleanup operations for data cleaning within the dataflow.</p> <h1>What is coming up next?</h1> <p>Next I would be working on creating documentations and getting pull request reviewed.</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere</h1> <p>Yes I was stuck with the streaming source, with the help of mentor John, we were able to solve the issues.</p> (Sudhanshu)Wed, 18 Aug 2021 15:41:54 +0000 Check-In #10<h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p>This week I was looking into the issue of how we can use the input layer for getting all the records data and converting that into a matrix and do further processing on top of it. </p> <h1>What is coming up next?</h1> <p>I would work on dataset examples and document how we can use the clean up operations for data cleaning purposes and how we can use that with training , testing parts.</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere?</h1> <p>I was stuck with one of the operations, I was throwing the error operation not instantiable. I looked into the code and tried to figure out what was the reason behind the issue.</p> (Sudhanshu)Mon, 09 Aug 2021 12:54:14 +0000 Check-In #9<h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p>This week I worked on refactoring the the data cleanup operations, I made a mistake was not aware that we had a script which generates the python package template for us. Worked on refactoring the code. Also started working on creating an example on how to use the data clean up operations using a dataset from the real world.</p> <h1>What is coming up next?</h1> <p>Next I will be implementing two more examples on how we can work with cleaning of dataset within the dataflow itself.</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere ?</h1> <p>Yes I was needed help with how we can pass List[List[int]] type data to the cleanup operations which works on each records and not on whole dataset, Figured out we have to implement operation Implementation class for it.</p> (Sudhanshu)Sun, 01 Aug 2021 12:21:38 +0000 Check-In #8<h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p>This week I did documentation related to the sklearn scorers that I had implemented earlier. I also worked on the dataflow create short command, I worked on how to parse Dict fields in the command line for the dataflow short command, I also made progress on the create short command and was able to parse the operations and the inputs.</p> <h1>What is coming up next ?</h1> <p>I would complete the implementation of the dataflow create short command.</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere ?</h1> <p> Yes I was stuck with the implemention of the create short command, was able to figure out things by looking into the code and reading a lot and understanding how dataflows work. </p> (Sudhanshu)Tue, 27 Jul 2021 14:56:07 +0000 Check-In #7<h1>What did you do this week ?</h1> <p>This week I started working with the dataflow createshort command, I used an example and tried coding the classes which will be required for it. Also for the createshort command to work, we needed to have support for dict args in the cli, which needs to be implemented. So this week I was trying to understand how the config works and how we can add dict support to config.</p> <h1>What is coming up next ?</h1> <p>I will try to make a pull request for the createshort as I am very close to figuring things out, when this part is done I would look into the implementation of the chain command which would help the clean operations work better with clean cli arguements.</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere ?</h1> <p>Yes I was stuck on the createshort command implementation, but with a meeting from the mentors my doubts were resolved and have made some progress since then.</p> (Sudhanshu)Sun, 18 Jul 2021 14:10:02 +0000 Check-In #6<h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p>This week I made the pull request for operations, I completed all the clean up operations which are required to be implemented. I also started thinking about the dataflow chain and shorthand create command. I was going through the code of dataflows, deeply understanding it, also looked into the code of the dataflow source and have come up with ideas on implementation of dataflow shorthand create command and dataflow chain command which will chain all the dataflows. chain command can be used in data cleanup operations to move the data from one cleanup dataflow to another dataflow.</p> <h1>What is coming up next?</h1> <p> After discussing the implementation and design of the dataflow shorthand create command and chain command, I would start working on it.</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere?</h1> <p>No, just needed some inputs from the mentors regarding the dataflow</p> (Sudhanshu)Mon, 12 Jul 2021 07:46:24 +0000 Check-In #5<span>This blog was due 07/05/2021</span> <h1>What did you do this week ?</h1> <p> This week my one of the pull request related to sklearn model scorer was merged. Also I made the pull request for the sklearn metrics scorer. I have also started the work on the clean up operations. </p> <h1>What is coming up next ?</h1> <p> Will try to complete the data clean up operations and also write tests. Also start looking into short hand creation for dataflows. </p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere</h1> <p>No. </p> (Sudhanshu)Wed, 07 Jul 2021 17:43:48 +0000 Check-In #4<h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p> This week I was done with implementation of the sklearn model scorers and also wrapped the sklearn metrics methods. Wrote the tests for the scorers as well. </p> <h1>What is coming up next</h1> <p> Next I will start with the implementation of the clean up operations. Also i will send pull request for the sklearn model scorer and sklearn metrics scorers for review. </p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere</h1> <p> I got stuck with one of the methods binding to the base class, discussed the issue with the mentor and resolved the issue. </p> (Sudhanshu)Mon, 28 Jun 2021 11:21:00 +0000 Check-In #3<h1>What did you do this week?</h1> <p>This week I continue working on the Phase 8 of the accuracy scorer, where I was supposed to fix the documentation, cli tests, examples to use the new scorer. Also I worked on the sklearn scorers as well.</p> <h1>What is coming up next?</h1> <p>I will start working on creating data clean up operations. So for the data clean up operations I have suggested some data cleanup operations which are required I will start implementing the missing value clean up operations, Also I would look into the short hand creation for dataflow command.</p> <h1>Did you get stuck anywhere</h1> <p>Yes, I was stuck with some of the tests were not passing but with the help of mentors I was able for fix the issues with the Phase8.</p> (Sudhanshu)Sun, 20 Jun 2021 11:47:56 +0000 Check-In #2<h1> What did you do this week ? </h1> <p> This week I fixed some issues with the previous pull request that was made. I also started working on the sklearn model scorer which uses the default scorer that sklearn model comes with. Also started looking into how we can wrap sklearn.metrics around the dffml scorer plugin. </p> <h1> What is coming up next ? </h1> <p> I will try to make the pull request for the Sklearn Model scorer. Will also start working on wrapping the sklearn.metrics methods around the scorer plugin of dffml. Documentation and tests related to Sklearn Model scorer will also be done. </p> <h1> Did you get stuck anywhere ? </h1> <p> I was stuck with fixing some of the issues of the previous pull request, After getting it reviewed from the mentors I was able to fix those issues. </p> (Sudhanshu)Sat, 12 Jun 2021 12:40:39 +0000 Check-In #1<h1> What did you do this week ? </h1> <p> During the Community bonding period we had a one to one discussion with the mentors, I was told to flush the proposal more and start discussing on the timelines of the project. This week I was working on the accuracy scoring part, where I was updating the docs, cli tests, tutorials for the accuracy staging branch. </p> <h1> What is coming up next? </h1> <p> In the upcoming week I will start working on the SklearnModelScorer and Sklearn metrics scorers. I will be implementing the classes which will be used. also some documentation on the how to use the accuracy scorers. </p> <h1> Did you get stuck anywhere? </h1> <p> While working the accuracy staging part, I did got stuck on the docs part and needed some inputs from mentors, after getting the required inputs I was able to move ahead and made a pull request which is under review. </p> (Sudhanshu)Tue, 08 Jun 2021 04:56:30 +0000