Harsh's Blog

Final Check-In

Published: 08/29/2021

The GSoC journey has come to an end. This summer has been one of the most exciting summers of my life. During this journey, I learned a lot of things from writing clean code to documentation to various soft skills that would help me through my journey/career.

I am extremely grateful to my mentors Terri, John, Anthony, Harmandeep and Saurabh and fellow contributors Sahil, Suhail and Dmitry Volodin for guiding and helping me out through this journey. Thank you Google, Python Software Foundation and Intel for giving me this incredible opportunity! :)

Read my final project report here: Harsh's Final Report

- Harsh (peb) ;)
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Weekly Check-In #10

Published: 08/19/2021

What did you do this week?

This week was spent wrapping up and closing open PRs. This week I added argparse module support to helper-script. I also fixed some bugs related to "affected-versions".

What is coming up next?

I would write a few more tests and improve docs and prepare for the final report :)

Did you get stuck anywhere?

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Weekly Check-In #8 & #9

Published: 08/04/2021

What did you do this week?

Majority of week 8 was spent shifting and travelling to my college dorms due to sudden opening of colleges here and I had an exam on the start of week 9. So, some time was spent preparing for the exam. During this period, I added the console output for "safe package recommendation" to cve-bin-tool. I also added some checkers.

What is coming up next?

In the upcoming week, I plan on expanding the "safe version recommendation" to html output too. I also plan on improving adding some minor improvements to the "helper-script", on which I worked in the first half of my GSoC.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

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Weekly Check-In #7

Published: 07/21/2021

What did you do this week?

Most of this week was spent researching for "recommending safe packages" related ideas and reading many articles and posts on what could be the best method. I also worked on some minor issues in cve-bin-tool.

What is coming up next?

The upcoming week would be spent making this and iterating over it. I would also like to improve the user input method for helper-script this week. :)

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Again, I had small doubts here and there, but my mentors helped me to overcome them seamlessly :)
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Weekly Check-In #6

Published: 07/15/2021

What did you do this week?

This week I tested Helper-Script on a lot of new/unknown packages to scan for binary strings and the results were consistent. During this process, I added checkers which version strings in them like: liblas, libbpg, zsh, etc.. I also did some minor refactoring on helper-script too.

What is coming up next?

In the coming week, I would start with the second half of my project, i.e., "Recommending safe packages". In this this week, I plan on researching and collecting the resources that would be required for the upcoming weeks.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

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