imsahil007's Blog

Week 11: Final Check In

Published: 08/21/2021

GSoC period has come to an end.
I have learnt a lot about how to write well-structured, clean code. I did asynchronous development, documentation, and test-driven development.
I am extremely grateful to my mentors, Terri Oda, Anthony Harrison, John Andersen and Harmandeep Singh for their guidance.

Read my final project report here:
It has been an incredible journey with Python Software Foundation and Intel. Thank you!
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Week 10: NVD API & Filter Intermediate Reports

Published: 08/12/2021

What did you do this week?
I am done refactoring NVD API. I have also added documentation for NVD API and incremental updates. I have also added a filter argument for filtering intermediate reports based on tag string.

What is coming up next?
I will be writing some more tests.

Did you get stuck anywhere?
I was getting a lot of 503 requests while refreshing the database multiple times using NVD API. Also asynchronous halting tasks didn't help much. So, I had to add an all over halt using time.sleep() to the task list while fetching the entries. I have also added a limit of 19 hosts in the NVD API (Similar to what I used in CVE DB before GSoC)

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Week 9: Refactor NVD API

Published: 08/04/2021

What did you do this week?
I have been refactoring NVD API this past week. I have removed the JSON cache in case we fetch feeds using API which was unnecessarily taking a long time. I limited the connections per session to prevent failures.

What is coming up next?
I will be working on changing the above said limit and the interval in case of failed requests.

Did you get stuck anywhere?
Yes, I have been trying to fetch NVD feed counts from NVD dashboard which is not returning contiguous dicitonary - Resulting in tests failure. I will be working on this as well.

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Week 8: NVD API Tests and Docs

Published: 07/28/2021

What did you do this week?
I was working on NVD API. I improved the way I was using asyncio. Wrote some tests and documentation as well.

What is coming up next?
I will be working on the optimzation of NVD API code so that we can use it as the default CVE Retrieval.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

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Week 7: NVD CVE Retrieval API

Published: 07/21/2021

What did you do this week?
I have been working on the new NVD API to retrieve CVEs and load the cache. This will act as a backup for our current CVE retrieval and may also allow us to use incremental updates.
You can read more about this here
I worked on the asyncio library this past week.

What is coming up next?
I will be working on the incremental updates part of the code. I will also add the related documenation and tests.

Did you get stuck anywhere?
Yes, I wasn't using the asyncio library properly which led to long retreival time. It was taking me more than 30+ minutes to fetch the CVEs single time.

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Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (28 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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