Weekly Check-In: Week 9

Published: 07/27/2020

Make sure to check out Project FURY : https://github.com/fury-gl/fury

Hey Everyone! 
This week , merging the SDF PR

What did I do this week

Since GSoC started I have been working on adding support for raymarching based SDF actors as primitives in the FURY codebase. This week with the release of FURY 0.6.0 , the task assigned to me was to complete the remaining parts of the SDF actor including tests and tutorial. THe SDF actor is now part of the FURY actor and can be accessed using sdf_actor.
Currently we support , ellipsoids, spheres and torus as primitive options. As expected, SDF based actors have shown tremendous performance improvements over traditional polygon based actor.

Despite using 100,000 torus the FPS is higher than 60 :


10,000 actors:


I also made a tutorial for new users to get started with 


What's coming up next

Now that the SDF actor is merged , the next step is to focus on spherical harmonics and i will also be working on creating shader visualization to showcase the features of FURY

Did I get stuck anywhere

This week involved alot of work , including making tests, tutorial and looking for bugs but everything went smoothly .




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages