mharshita's Blog

Weekly Blog Post #12

Published: 08/23/2021

What did I do this week?

This week I worked on updating some tests for priority filters and my stories page and fixing some minor bugs. This week I also worked on my GSoC Project Report.

Further Plans

I would love to contribute to user story even after GSoC ends.
It was an amazing journey working with EOS. Thanks to all the mentors for all the support and guidance.
Signing off ❤
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Weekly Check-In #11

Published: 08/16/2021

What did I do this week ?

Proceeding to the final week now :)) This week I worked on the integration of eos-icons-react library and fixing some bugs.

What I am planning to do next ?

For the coming week I will be fixing some bugs and continue with writing tests.

Did I got stuck anywhere ?

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Weekly Blog Post #10

Published: 08/09/2021

What did I do this week ?

This week I worked on priority labels and adding filter for the same and fixing some bugs. I am currently working on integrating eos-icons-react library in User Story as discussed with the mentors.

What is coming up next ?

For the coming week I will complete the above work and work on some bugs and will also try to write tests.

Did I got stuck anywhere ?

No, I didn't got stuck anywhere.
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Weekly Check-in #9

Published: 08/02/2021

What did I do this week ?

This week went by in revamping the story page and fixing some bugs in the edit story and gallery features. I also worked on changing the text area to auto resizing text area that can adjust height according to content.

What is coming up next ?

For the coming week I will be working on some more bugs and filters on home page along with Sundeep (my GSoC partner). I will also try to complete priority labels part this week.

Did I got stuck anywhere ?

Yes I got stuck while making auto resizable text area for story page but I figured it out later on.
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Weekly blog post #8

Published: 07/27/2021

What did I do this week ?

This week I worked on completing refactoring the code for vote.js file, fixing some bugs and implementing the gallery feature for attachments of stories, comments and replies. I am also working on revamping the story page which I will complete in the coming week.

Work for coming week

For the coming week I will work on fixing some more bugs and revamping the UI.
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SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (28 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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