Weekly Check-in #1 [June 7, 2021]
Published: 06/09/2021
Hi everyone,
This is Hashim, a senior year student from Pakistan. I've been contributing to DFFML for over a year now and I'll be working on "Enhancing User Experience with Notebook Examples for Machine Learning Use Cases" this summer for DFFML as a part of GSoC.
What did you do this week?
I started working on the first use-case notebook in the first phase of my proposed project ie. "Comparing Model Performance". The name is quite self-explanatory, I'll be using DFFML models and show how to evaluate models and compare their performance with other models. I also started working towards a generic and automated test case for all notebooks by building different test case scenarios to figure it out. We had a weekly sync yesterday where we discussed it in detail. We also discussed how the second use-case notebook "Tuning Models" would require some things to be taken care of before we can proceed with that. There would have to be some architectural changes to help change the parameters on runtime which is currently not possible in DFFML.
What is coming up next?
I'll be working on the generic test along with the notebook use-cases over the next couple of weeks.
Did you get stuck anywhere?
Well, I did get stuck on generic test which also involved mocking with `testbook` and automating the tests. My mentor was kind enough to explain the whole process during our weekly sync-up. Since I have exams coming up, we also discussed hold-ups expected in the second week of the project, but that's a story for another day :D