Rahul_Joon's Blog

Final Week: Report and Evaluation

Published: 08/28/2023

As per the GSoC timeline, I concluded my work done so far for PyElastica in a Final report here; this report is to be submitted in the contributor's final evaluation.

On the sideline I worked on the feedback for the PR - 294.

What's Next:

The work on the latest PR continues and I might as well work on the rod and sphere contact till the mentors provide review.

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Week 12: Coding Period's Final Week

Published: 08/24/2023

As the final week of GSoC draws in I attempt to wrap the project up and get it all staged for display/release.

Accomplishments this week:

After updating the rodmeshcontact branch with the latest code in repo; I pushed the PR for review - 294.

What's Next:

I will continue to work on the feedback provided on the above mentioned PR and accordingly proceed forward on to the next issue. I will also be working on my Final Report for the final evaluation.

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Week 11: Steady Progression IV

Published: 08/17/2023

Accomplishments this week:

I looked into my mentor's code for mesh_surface and rod contact named - "ContinuumSnakeTerrain" example and tried to apply the same approach for the new contact module in elastica; I also worked on the rod and sphere contact.

What's next:

As soon as the first draft is streamlined with repo's code, I will push a PR for the mesh demonstration/example issue.

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Week 10: Steady Progression III

Published: 08/08/2023

Accomplishments this week:

I worked on creating a dummy example for the mesh module demonstration/example in pyelastica. And added a if condition in joiny.py that returns an error if the first system provided is not a rod.

What's Next:

Will continue on working the example for mesh module and will also try work on the rod and sphere contact.

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Week 9: Back on Track!

Published: 08/01/2023

Achievements this week:

I added the ".obj" file format functioning to the mesh module via PR: 283 that was merged in the update - 0.3.2 branch; I also initiated process on the rod and sphere contact module. Lastly I also looked into minor issues for example: 276.

What's Next:

I will work on adding demonstration/example for the mesh module in pyelastica, side by side working on the rod and sphere contact.

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