Rexbeast2's Blog

Week Blog #12 - Adding EPSS probability filter

Published: 08/27/2023

What did I do this week?

This week, I successfully added epss probability filter. I also added test for EPSS probability filter.

What is coming up next?

Since this was the last week of the GSoC period, next week on I will continue to contribute to the organization and implement my "future goals" all the while working on other issues as an open-source enthusiast as well.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Fortunately, I did not encounter any challenges while adding epss percentile filter. The process was smooth and straightforward.

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Week Blog #11 - Adding EPSS percentile filter

Published: 08/27/2023

What did I do this week?

This week, I successfully added epss percentile filter. I also added test for EPSS percentile filter.

What is coming up next?

In the next phase, I will focus on adding epss probability filter.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Fortunately, I did not encounter any challenges while adding epss percentile filter. The process was smooth and straightforward.

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Week Blog #10 - Adding test for output

Published: 08/27/2023

What did I do this week?

This week, I successfully added test for the new output format for each of them (console, HTML, PDF, JSON and CSV).

What is coming up next?

In the next phase, I will focus on adding epss percentile filter.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Fortunately, I did not encounter any challenges while test case for the new output. The process was smooth and straightforward.

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Week Blog #9 - Changing JSON and CSV output

Published: 08/27/2023

What did I do this week?

This week, I successfully added data into JSON and CSV. the metric field was added to both of them.

What is coming up next?

In the next phase, I will focus on adding test case for the new output structure.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Fortunately, I did not encounter any challenges while data into JSON and CSV format. The process was smooth and straightforward.

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Week Blog #8 - Changing HTML, Console, PDF output

Published: 08/27/2023

What did I do this week?

This week, I successfully added data into HTML, PDF and console. 

What is coming up next?

In the next phase, I will focus on JSON and CSV.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Fortunately, I did not encounter any challenges while data into HTML, PDF and console. The process was smooth and straightforward.

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Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (28 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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