Hello, how are you all! Here I leave the summary of last week.
What did I do this week
In the previous week we searched for changes in the main branch that were missing in py3k around 20 commits to update.
They were also doing checkups of the web services electronic invoices with the PDF generation module with real communication against the Afip servers.
A new issue came from one of the members of the PyAr community @Gilgamezh, to directly add the dependencies to the setup.py. With which, as a first step what I did was to check these dependencies, although this was part of the project in week 3, I thought it was important to see it, tests were made of intalacion and functionality in the environments Windows 10 and Linux Mint.
For next week
This week we will incorporate the necessary changes in the py3k branch depending on the results of the tests. On the other hand, we will be moving forward with the unit tests trying to reach as much coverage as possible in the web sevices to be tested functionality This week the necessary issues will be added to complete the first stage.
The most complicated part was when they tested the facilities of the dependencies which are in a requirements.txt which installed only 1 of the 6 (minimum) (platform of first test Windows 10), it was discovered that the problem was generated for the dependency m2crypto not only was not installed but it broke the intalaciones of others when the command was executed:
⦁ pip install -r requirements.txt
This dependence being one of the topics to be discussed later in the project, we proceeded to omit m2crypto in the requirements.txt and the dependencies were installed correctly. Like Pyafipws can be used directly installing openSSL, after the meeting with the mentors, I remain clear the need to evaluate if we continue using this dependency or some other as cryptography which will be reviewed at the time.
Thanks !, it will be until next week.
Good week!