sayandip18's Blog

Wrapping up!

Published: 08/22/2021

This is my final week. Hameer helped me fix another bug and I updated the hypothesis PR. The tensor class is incomplete as of now. I hope to complete it after GSoC ends.
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Weekly check-in #10

Published: 08/15/2021

What did I do this week?

I fixed the bugs mentioned in the previous blog post.

What is coming up?

More bug fixes.

Did I get stuck?

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Weekly check-in #9

Published: 08/04/2021

What did I do this week?

John managed to fix the bugs in the cmake code. TACO can now be used by downstream users easily.

Where did I get stuck?

I was unable to contribute and my activity during this time was limited to reading the book.

What is coming up?

The cmake work is now over. I will fix the bugs I detected while transferring the test suite to hypothesis.
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Weekly check-in #8

Published: 08/04/2021

What did I do this week?

With John's help, I managed to write some code that attempts to make TACO available to downstream users leveraging on the cmake config functionality.

Where did I get stuck?

The changes are not working as expected. TACO is still not available to downstream users.

What is coming up?

Pin-pointing and fixing the issues.
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Weekly check-in #7

Published: 07/28/2021

What did I do this week?

I managed to modify only a few bits and pieces of the code. However, the changes were not really aligned with our immediate goal and have been stashed to be committed later on.

Where did I get stuck?

There have been a lot of hiccups. Most of my time was spent reading the book. I was not particularly productive in coding.

What is coming up?

TACO headers should be detectable for downstream users using the command find_package().
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Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (28 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages