Weekly Check-In #1

Published: 06/08/2021

What did you do this week ?

During the Community bonding period we had a one to one discussion with the mentors, I was told to flush the proposal more and start discussing on the timelines of the project. This week I was working on the accuracy scoring part, where I was updating the docs, cli tests, tutorials for the accuracy staging branch.

What is coming up next?

In the upcoming week I will start working on the SklearnModelScorer and Sklearn metrics scorers. I will be implementing the classes which will be used. also some documentation on the how to use the accuracy scorers.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

While working the accuracy staging part, I did got stuck on the docs part and needed some inputs from mentors, after getting the required inputs I was able to move ahead and made a pull request which is under review.




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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