Weekly Check-In #8

Published: 07/27/2021

What did you do this week?

This week I did documentation related to the sklearn scorers that I had implemented earlier. I also worked on the dataflow create short command, I worked on how to parse Dict fields in the command line for the dataflow short command, I also made progress on the create short command and was able to parse the operations and the inputs.

What is coming up next ?

I would complete the implementation of the dataflow create short command.

Did you get stuck anywhere ?

Yes I was stuck with the implemention of the create short command, was able to figure out things by looking into the code and reading a lot and understanding how dataflows work.




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages