Weekly Blog Post | GSOC'21 | #8

Published: 07/27/2021

Hi everyone!

What did I do this week?

This week I worked on fixing some bugs in the frontend code. First of all I cleaned up the Github Actions workflow file by combining the Jobs for running linting tests into a single job. This led to the removal of some redundant code from the workflow file (Link to PR). Then I fixed some issues with the notification menu (PR here). And finally I added a skeleton loader to the profile page, instead of the spinning loader (See PR here). Apart from that I along with @Harshita worked on adding the image gallery in Story page to display the attachments (Link to PR).

What is coming up next?

This week my mentors sent the updated UI designs of the homepage and the story page. So I will be working on implementing those designs. Along with that I will work on fixing some more existing bugs.

So that's all for this blog post. Thanks for reading. See you in the next one : )




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages