Week #1: Creating a (big) PR

Published: 06/12/2021

What did you do this week?

This week I submitted an overview of the progress on the mailing list (here) and created a pull request on SciPy (#14215). Thankfully, all the tests pass and SciPy builds with UNU.RAN on all the required platforms! I also created some flowcharts to elucidate the design of the internal API and manifest how callbacks are acquired and released. I also tried to write a higher-level API (tirthasheshpatel/scipy#8) as suggested by one of my mentors.

What is coming up next?

We have discussed quite a lot of points to keep me busy for a couple of weeks down the line :). Here it is:
  • Generate/build UNU.RAN tests and try integrating into SciPy test suite.
  • Maybe figure out a way to speed up the performance on NumPy < 1.19.
  • Write better/stronger tests.
  • Mock up API that uses same object interface i.e. bundle all functions together in a dist parameter.
  • Address code reviews on my PR.
  • Add relation [of the UNU.RAN API] to the rv_discrete and rv_continuous classes in tutorial. Add in docs that rvs of UNU.RAN methods and SciPy distributions differ.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

No blockers this week!



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