anubhavp's Blog

[Blog #6] Part of the journey is the end.

Published: 08/25/2019

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Part of the journey is the end. It is time for me to work on my final work report for final evaluation of Google Summer of Code 2019. This week, I will devote my time mainly to write my final report and final blog post. If time permits, I will work on my PRs from last week.

Last week, I worked on getting Travis to push automatically to PyPI and I redid benchmarking.


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[Blog #5] Time just seems to fly.

Published: 08/25/2019


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Hello! This is my second last blog post for GSoC 2019 - time has gone by so quickly. I spend this week documenting Protego’s API in detail. I opened a pull request to add Protego integration in Scrapy. I added PyPy test environment and modified Protego to treat non-terminal dollar sign as ordinary character.

Up next, I will start the process to transfer Protego to Scrapy organisation on GitHub. I would modify `SitemapCrawler` in Scrapy to use the new interface, and implement a `ROBOTSTXT_USER_AGENT` setting in Scrapy.

I faced minor problems trying to setup PyPy environment in Travis. With the help from mentors, I was able to resolve the issue.

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Weekly Check-in #13 : ( 16 Aug - 22 Aug )

Published: 08/20/2019

What did you do this week?

  • I worked on getting Travis to push releases automatically to PyPI, adding a new `ROBOTSTXT_USER_AGENT` setting in Scrapy, and improvements to SitemapSpider.

What is coming up next?

  • I am going to work on the final PSF blog post in which I will focus on my experience of GSoC 2019 working with my awesome mentors, and Scrapy.
  • Next, I will write a final report for third evaluation of Google Summer of Code.
  • Next up, I will work on the changes suggested on my this week's work.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

  • Nothing Major.
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Weekly Check-in #12: (9 Aug - 15 Aug)

Published: 08/13/2019

What did you do this week?

  • Benchmarking Protego (again). This time we crawled multiple domains (~1,100 domains) and downloaded links to pages as the crawler encounter them. We downloaded 111, 824 links in total.
    • Next we made each robots.txt parser - parse and answer query (we made parsers answer each query 5 times) in an order similar to how they would need to in a broad crawl. Here are the results :

Protego :

25th percentile : 0.002419 seconds
50th percentile : 0.006798 seconds
75th percentile : 0.014307 seconds
100th percentile : 2.546978 seconds
Total Time : 19.545984 seconds

RobotFileParser (default in Scrapy) :

25th percentile : 0.002188 seconds
50th percentile : 0.005350 secondsstyle
75th percentile : 0.010492 seconds
100th percentile : 1.805923 seconds
Total Time : 13.799954 seconds

Rerp Parser :
25th percentile : 0.001288 seconds
50th percentile : 0.005222 seconds
75th percentile : 0.014640 seconds
100th percentile : 52.706880 seconds
Total Time : 76.460496 seconds

Reppy Parser :
25th percentile : 0.000210 seconds
50th percentile : 0.000492 seconds
75th percentile : 0.000997 seconds
100th percentile : 0.129440 seconds
Total Time: 1.405558  seconds


  • Removing an hack used in Protego due to lack of an option to ignore characters in `urllib.parse.unquote`. Added few new features to Protego as well. 
  • Protego has been moved to Scrapy organisation.

What is coming up next?

  • Configuring Travis to push to PyPI automatically.
  • Introducing a new `ROBOTSTXT_USER_AGENT` setting in Scrapy.
  • Making `SitemapCrawler` use the new interface.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

I got blocked by StackExchange for few hours. laugh I think they don't like crawlers on their websites. "It is a temporary automatic ban that is put up by our HAProxy instance when you hit our rate limiter." they answered to one of the questions on their website.

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Weekly Check-in #11: ( 2 Aug - 8 Aug )

Published: 08/06/2019

What did you do this week?

  • Added API description and more usage examples to readme.
  • Added PyPy test environment.
  • Opened a pull request to add Protego integration to Scrapy.
  • Modified Protego to treat non-terminal dollar signs as ordinary characters.
  • Minor aesthetic changes. 

What is coming up next?

  • Transferring the Protego repository to Scrapy organisation on GitHub. It seems that write permissions are necessary for initiating the transfer process.
  • Would modify Protego to treat wildcards such as `*` and `$` as ordinary characters as well.  
  • Would modify `SitemapCrawler` to use the new interface. 
  • Implementing support for `host` & `crawl-delay` directives in Scrapy. 
  • Some performance improvements might be possible by using a custom pattern matching logic (in place of regex), but I am not sure. I will need to test it.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

  • Faced problems setting up PyPy test environment. With help from mentors, I was able to solve the issue. 
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