GSoC - Week 0

Published: 06/09/2021

Hello Everyone!
I'm Muhammed Suhail, a pre-final year student at GEC Palakkad.

I'll be working on CVE Binary Tool this summer on adding a tool for the CVE Binary tool that reads a package list (like requirements.txt) and scan for CVEs for the packages in the list which will immensely improve the time for scanning packages compared to binary scans.

What did you do this week?

I worked on implementing the parser specifically for the PyPI packages list, which takes a requirements.txt (for now) file as an input using a -L or --package-list flag and extracts the necessary values for the CVE Binary Tool to check for CVEs under the hood.

What will you be doing for the rest of the week?

I will be further improving the parser for PyPI packages and will be adding the checkers for some of those packages to the CVE Binary Tool.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Yup, I had a bit of difficulty in understanding pytest parametrization.
Also one of the tests I wrote is unstable for now. So I will be rewriting that after I brainstorm how to make it stable this week.

Looking forward to a fruitful summer with mentors and fellow contributors :D



Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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