Week 11: Weekly Check-In (#6)

Published: 08/12/2019

1. What did you do this week?

After sending out my Pull Request to the MNE master branch, I spent a part of my time correcting the PR according to the feedback I got. This included some fixes and refactoring, to make the code more compact and readable (thanks to my tutor Joan Massich, who gave some great input).
Then, I implemented a fix for the problem I mentioned in last week's post, where the processing on memory saving data (in form of two factor arrays of kernel and sensor data) wasn't supported anymore. With my current fix, the time consuming time-frequency transform will be performed only on the smaller data, but then transformed into the full data field within the function. This means the full data will be constructed earlier as originally intended. However, I believe that this is the best option, since the other alternative would have involved a lot of data hauling from the tfr functions to the SourceTFR objects, while ultimately achieving the same thing.
Finally I made a first simple try to plot the SourceTFR data. This basically works by telling the plot functions which epoch and which frequencies should be plotted, and then using the plot functions of normal source time series for visualization. This might sound like a hack, but it's simple, intuitive, and easy to work with.

2. What is coming up next?

After the first option to plot, I will think about a good method to make a genuine SourceTFR plot. This could for example involve manually switching over the frequencies (and maybe epochs) in the same manner, as you can switch over normal SourceEstimate plots when using the Time Viewer. However, I realize that building support for this on all SourceEstimate types will result in a huge load of work (which might be a bad move, given that there's already a working alternative, and only very little time left for the project). So I'll discuss this with my mentors in order to figure out what's the best thing to do now.
Next to this, I will of course continue with the code correction for the Pull Requests, and maybe start to write a nice tutorial in order to demonstrate the new functionality after the project.

3. Did you get stuck anywhere?

Not really. Of course there were some small obstacles (as there always are), but in general this week went exceptionally smooth.




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