diwash007's Blog

Weekly Blog Post 13

Published: 08/29/2022

What did I do this week?

I carried out the following tasks this week:

  • fixed issue #530 
    The images added to the blogs weren't being aligned as per set by the user. I fixed that to show the correct alignment on the blogposts.

What am I planning for next week?

Next week I will be working on preparing submission for final evaluation.

Did I get stuck anywhere?


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Weekly Blog Post 12

Published: 08/22/2022

What did I do this week?

I carried out the following tasks this week:

  • GitHub Actions Workflow
    • Added GitHub actions workflow to run the project on virtual Linux environment to carry out testing for proper project implementation
    • Added GitHub actions workflow to check for PEP8 style issues in the code submitted

What am I planning for next week?

Next week I will be looking at the new issue #530.

Did I get stuck anywhere?


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Weekly Blog Post 11

Published: 08/15/2022

What did I do this week?

I was quite sick this week. I carried out the following tasks this week:

  • Midterm and Final-term Reminder
    • Since every required task has been completed, I started looking for issues
    • Replaced hard-coded dates to use variable DaysConf value

What am I planning for next week?

Next week I will be working on finding issues with the new revamped system.

Did I get stuck anywhere?


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Weekly Blog Post 10

Published: 08/09/2022

What did I do this week?

I carried out following tasks this week:

  • Midterm and Final-term Reminder
    • Updated the reminder dates
    • Fixed issues with date and datetime
    • Refactored evaluation builders to build with a single builder

What I am planning for next week?

Next week I will be working on finding issue on the new revamped system.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Didn't got stuck into particularly anything for long as long as I remember.

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Weekly Blog Post 9

Published: 08/01/2022

What did I do this week?

I carried out following tasks this week:

  • Midterm and Final-term Reminder
    • Generated a formula to calculate the reminder dates for each timelines
    • Implemented builders for term reminders
    • Updated BPDD generator to generate only 22 articles
    • Fixed issue with BPDD generator

What I am planning for next week?

Next week I will be working on finishing midterm and final evaluation reminder system.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Date vs DateTime issue has arisen. I will fix it next week.

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