You might be wondering that the coding period has not even started but a blog post is published. Actually, me and my mentor, Botanic (Matthew Lagoe) decided to start it before the official coding period.
What did I do this week?
I started my contribution on 31st May. On that day, I worked on the issue:
I had already worked on that issue and made the function give proper admin roles. So, I started working on the other part of the code where I had to implement the RegLink sending procedure if the user is not registered on the system yet. After implementing that, I eliminated multiple entries on the suborg table when the application was accepted. Later I introduced exception handling for better organization of the code.
Another issue that I covered this week is I added a new admin panel to see those users who haven't yet accepted the invite. There arose the issue of getting duplicate users, so I had to eliminate duplicates from the reglink.
To eliminate RegLink duplication, I started working on implementing boundaries on every reglink creation to check for duplicate and eliminate it. Later, I removed those codes from each object creation call and implemented the duplication handling code directly onto the RegLink model by overriding the default save method. I also migrated to MySql form SQLite since the site was using MySql. PR:
Another issue I covered is I removed the button that was leading to the issue.
Another issue I covered is I updated the filters and displayed them on the admin panel.
Another issue I covered is . I implemented a function to export mentors for the current GSoC year in a .csv file.
Another issue I covered is . I updated the application list view to fetch applications with user instead of email.
Other issues I am covering: #456 #461
What I am planning for next week?
Next week I will be solving more issues.
Did I get stuck anywhere?
Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.
Contribution chart
You can find my full time sheet here: