Weekly Blog Post 7

Published: 07/18/2022

What did I do this week?

I carried out following tasks this week:

  • Updated auto BPDD generator to generate them between the start and end GSoC date
  • Update timeline revamp to support max and standard GSoC end date
  • Fixed menu item reversing problem
  • Added feature to review articles through admin panel
  • Added option to mark all articles of a student as reviewed in a single click
  • Fixed errors occuring on clean install runcron command
  • Cleaned menu items
  • Fixed other small issues

What I am planning for next week?

Next week I will be working on fixing warning of debug toolbar. Also I will implement midterm and final evaluation reminder system.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Whenever I encountered any issues, I contacted botanic. He provided me with a pretty good explanation of the problems.




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages