Blog Post #5: PR to the main branch ๐ŸŒฑ

Published: 07/31/2021

Hey friends!
I have always considered working on open-source projects to be closely related to watering my plants, to watch them burgeon brings pride and happiness to my heart. This is my first PR for hub auto and I can't wait for the world to use it.

The past 2 weeks have been all about:
  • Fine tuning the API code
  • Writing quality tests
  • Solving bugs
  • Providing well-defined docstrings

  • My PR has been reviewed and is about to get merged real soon, I am VERY excited for people to try out Hub auto and use it as the primary method of ingestion for image classification datasets.
    Currently, I update my code with the suggestions I receive from the community in the form of PR reviews and would love to summarise my work in the blog here!

    This PR provides 2 APIs:


    The ingest API provides a one line solution to get your locally stored Image dataset on Hub.


    The ingest API provides a one line solution to get your Kaggle dataset to Hub.

    I believe this is going to open doors to a lot of new Hub use cases and make onboarding of new users to Hub a breeze ๐Ÿ–
    For anyone interested, my PR is available here!



    Settings from gsoc.settings



    SQL queries from 1 connection

    Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

    Templates (11 rendered)

    Cache calls from 1 backend


    Log messages