Juerodriguez's Blog

My Final Post of GSoC 2021

Published: 08/24/2021

Hello, in this last week we have done a review of everything we have achieved during the program, the results were reflected in the project wiki which general terms were very satisfactory, personally I have loved participating in the Openlex project since I have been able develop my skills as a programmer as planned. All of this could not have been achieved without the help of my mentors Marian Vignau, Emmanuel Arias and Nicolas Sandoval who accompanied me at all times, so I offer a special thanks to them. I hope to participate again in GSoC as a mentor to help other boys to enter the world of Open Source.
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Last week test coding

Published: 08/19/2021

Hi, Greetings this last week. - What did I do this week?. This last week, as planned, I have dedicated myself to performing tests and improving tests that I was uploading throughout the program, I have also done optimization work, such as improvements with the date formats and replacement of jquery by code in the backend. - What is comming next? The last thing to do is to carry out the evaluation and prepare the documentation in the Openlex wiki so that there is a record of the work done during the program and also finish the evaluation of GSOC 2021. - Did I get stuck anywhere? There were no problem
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Ninth Week of Code

Published: 08/10/2021

Hi there. - What did I do this week? This week I have dedicated myself to developing a new feature for the application that is the administration of groups, now it will be possible to create groups, assign members to a group, they will be able to view the files shared by the group, and the administrator will be able to view how and who makes the changes in each group to keep track of the work done. - What is coming next? The next thing I will do is code optimization and test development tasks. -Did I get stuck anywhere? Certainly I did not have any inconvenience in carrying out this week's tasks, I feel much more confident and more internalized in the development process than when the code stage began.
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Eighth Week Code

Published: 08/04/2021

Hi guys. - What did I do this week? This week I finished uploading the trial version of Openlex to a pythonanywhere server, with some code corrections in the creation of a test database when the server launch is not local, plus a test user and update of the weekly agenda so that it is always visible in the weekly tasks section. - What is coming next? I must prepare the application for group work and facilitate the user to assign group roles, these groups must be able to share information between users. - Did I get stuck anywhere? The only obstacle I had this week was the development of the test user, it was not clear how it should be the same, it was not known if the data should be created without belonging to any user and then assign them or if it should create only one, I question that they did do a job and then go back, resulting in wasted time. Finally a single user was created and its data was shared for the logging.
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Seventh Week Code

Published: 07/27/2021

Hi, -What did I do this week? This week I dedicated myself again to fixing some errors, and I was able to complete my main task which was to set up a reminder via email for the scheduled tasks with their respective tests and the enablement of it through the web2py cron. - What is comming next? The next thing I have to do is prepare a test version of the application with its test database, the application will be uploaded in Pythonanywhere - Did I get stuck anywhere? Due to the fact that the cron was unknown to me I had many problems when trying to activate it and even more so because web2py had a special cron and in the documentation it was not explained well how it was activated, before that I tried to start the web2py's own scheduler without success . But in the end the cron worked and the task was completed.
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SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (28 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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