Kailash's Blog

Weekly Blog Post #8

Published: 08/29/2022

Hello, my name is Kailash Kejriwal, a sophomore pursuing Computer Science and Engineering in India. I will be developing & adding new features to EOS User Story and also work on it's Strapi-based backend during Google Summer of Code 2022. I will be working with EOS Design Systems on the project: EOS User Story - Frontend and UX

What did I do this week?

In the ninth week of Google Summer of Code 2022, I worked on developing a component for displaying the similar stories in the Story page. I also added a GraphQL Query that fetches similar stories from the strapi backend.

What is coming up next?

In the next week, I will work on adding a new component for displaying the stories of the same product.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

In this week, I did not get stuck anywhere.

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Weekly Blog Post #8

Published: 08/23/2022

Hello, my name is Kailash Kejriwal, a sophomore pursuing Computer Science and Engineering in India. I will be developing & adding new features to EOS User Story and also work on it's Strapi-based backend during Google Summer of Code 2022. I will be working with EOS Design Systems on the project: EOS User Story - Frontend and UX

What did I do this week?

In the eight week of Google Summer of Code 2022, I finished working on the responsiveness of the Story page.Now I have started to work on adding more components to the Story page. These will include Similar stories by the same author, and stories related to the same product.

What is coming up next?

In the next week, I will finish working on new components of the story page.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

In this week, I did not get stuck anywhere.

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Weekly Blog Post #7

Published: 08/15/2022

Hello, my name is Kailash Kejriwal, a sophomore pursuing Computer Science and Engineering in India. I will be developing & adding new features to EOS User Story and also work on it's Strapi-based backend during Google Summer of Code 2022. I will be working with EOS Design Systems on the project: EOS User Story - Frontend and UX

What did I do this week?

In the seventh week of Google Summer of Code 2022, I worked on fixing the responsiveness of the Story page. This made the entire application supported for mobile view. It will also make it easy to convert the appplication into a Progressive Web App (PWA).

What is coming up next?

In the next week, I will start working on adding new components to the Story page.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

In this week, I did not get stuck anywhere.

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Weekly Blog Post #6

Published: 08/11/2022

Hello, my name is Kailash Kejriwal, a sophomore pursuing Computer Science and Engineering in India. I will be developing & adding new features to EOS User Story and also work on it's Strapi-based backend during Google Summer of Code 2022. I will be working with EOS Design Systems on the project: EOS User Story - Frontend and UX

What did I do this week?

In the sixth week of Google Summer of Code, I finished working on the switch filter in the dashboard. The roadmap filter is now rendered conditionally. I also worked on improving the entire filter section to the new design suggested by the mentors. 

The changes were merged after a few modifications. This completed the UI/UX developments of the Story page in Desktop view.

What is coming up next?

In the next week, I will start working on making the Story page responsive.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

In this week, I did not get stuck anywhere.

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Weekly Blog Post #5

Published: 08/01/2022

Hello, my name is Kailash Kejriwal, a sophomore pursuing Computer Science and Engineering in India. I will be developing & adding new features to EOS User Story and also work on it's Strapi-based backend during Google Summer of Code 2022. I will be working with EOS Design Systems on the project: EOS User Story - Frontend and UX

What did I do this week?

In the fifth week of Google Summer of Code, 2022, I finished working on the voters section and timeline component of the Story page. The story page now stands revamped. I will add the components of "Stories related to same product" and "Stories by same author" later on. 

Currently, I am working on improving the roadmap filter in the story list. It includes adding a switch to conditionally render the roadmap filter for filtering the stories. The functional implementation of this is completed. I am now focusing to align it with the proposed design.

What is coming up next?

In the next week, I will complete the working on the roadmap filter. Then, I will be moving on to add new features as discussed with the mentors.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

I had used react-switch -  an open source package for implementing the switch of roadmap filter. It was a bit difficult to implement the custom stylings since the CSS was hardcoded. However, after CSS-overriding, I was able to customize it according to the designs.

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