Hey everyone,
This is week 7th of Google Summer of Code 2019. So far, I have made the backend of my project and only some things need to be done (regarding deployment and hosting) and it will be working fine. This week I am preparing to start with the left over front end part. So I started with desigining prototype on Adobe XD. Since my project is 70% backend and the front end part is almost similar to the Cheatsheet part which other GSoC student is already working on, so I have to take his prototype and code and just implement my Icons Picker features in it.
Here is the link to the prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/6ed4e66f-e6f5-486e-4e74-340d073d1771-18e5/
PS: Link might not work later because adobe only allows one active link :P
Thanks for reading