Madhav2310's Blog

GSoC Journey Blog Week 12

Published: 09/05/2022

What did you do this week? 


  1. Sinh & cosh numpy_intrinsic functions implemented #1002 

  2. Covariance and Correlation functions implemented #961 

  3. Pvariance and Pstdev functions implemented #1004 

  4. Linear Regression function implemented #1005 

  5. Implement tanh and exp in Numpy_intrinsic library 


  1. Initial implementation of statistics.mode() #958 - Ready to be merged

  2. Implement numpy.arcsinh and numpy.arccosh functions #1075 - Ready to be merged

  3. Implement numpy.arctanh function #1081 - Ongoing

  4. Implement numpy.floor and numpy.ceil functions #1083 - Ongoing

What is coming up next?

I'll work on getting the ongoing PRs merged and will try to get as many functions of the Numpy_intrinsic library as I can Before my Mid semester exams start.

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GSoC Journey Blog Week 11

Published: 08/30/2022

What did you do this week? 

  1. Sinh & cosh numpy_intrinsic functions implemented #1002 - Bugs resolved and merged

  2. Covariance and Correlation functions implemented #961 - Ready to be merged

  3. Initial implementation of statistics.mode() #958 - Ready to be merged

  4. Pvariance and Pstdev functions implemented #1004 - Ready to be merged

  5. Linear Regression function implemented #1005 - Ready to be merged

  6. Implement tanh and exp in Numpy_intrinsic library - Ready to be merged

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Creating tests for numpy intrinsic library took way more time than anticipated. I'm trying out various combination of functions for testing and so I kind of missed the week's deadline for blog post.

What is coming up next?

I'll expand on the numpy_intrinsic library, and paralelly get working on any other libraries.

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GSoC Journey Blog Week 10

Published: 08/21/2022

What did you do this week? 

  1. Covariance and Correlation functions implemented #961 - Open, Ready to be merged

  2. Initial implementation of statistics.mode() #958 - Open, Issues remaining, before merging

  3. Gmean, Hmean expanded for other datatypes #956 - Merged

  4. Sinh & cosh numpy_intrinsic functions implemented #1002 - Open - Need to resolve the bugs

  5. Pvariance and Pstdev functions implemented #1004 - Open, Ready to be merged

  6. Linear Regression function implemented #1005 - Open, Ready to be merged

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Creating tests for numpy intrinsic library took way more time than anticipated. Partly because I had never used numpy before, and partly because of the various errors the code was throwing.

What is coming up next?

I'll finish the open PRs and get them merged, while forking on the tanh, exp and other numpy_intrinsic functions and corresponding tests.

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GSoC Journey Blog Week 9

Published: 08/12/2022

What did you do this week? 

  1. Fmean, Median, Median_low, median_high, mean overload functions implemented #877 - Merged

  2. Variance and stdev functions added to #901 - Merged

  3. Covariance and Correlation functions implemented #961 - Open, Ready to be merged

  4. Initial implementation of statistics.mode() #958 - Open, Issues remaining, before merging

  5. Gmean, Hmean expanded for other datatypes #956 - Open, Ready to be merged

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Some of the functions were part of the latest update of python, so weren't running on my system. Once I realized this, I was able to fix it. 

What is coming up next?

I have to totally finish the Statistics library, raise some issues regarding overloading in internal functions and i64 bugs. Next I have been assigned 5 functions to implement of the intrinsic numpy library.

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