What did you do this week?
Fmean, Median, Median_low, median_high, mean overload functions implemented #877 - Merged
Variance and stdev functions added to statistics.py #901 - Merged
Covariance and Correlation functions implemented #961 - Open, Ready to be merged
Initial implementation of statistics.mode() #958 - Open, Issues remaining, before merging
Gmean, Hmean expanded for other datatypes #956 - Open, Ready to be merged
Did you get stuck anywhere?
Some of the functions were part of the latest update of python, so weren't running on my system. Once I realized this, I was able to fix it.
What is coming up next?
I have to totally finish the Statistics library, raise some issues regarding overloading in internal functions and i64 bugs. Next I have been assigned 5 functions to implement of the intrinsic numpy library.