Week 0 : Checking in...

Published: 06/07/2021

Hello everyone! I am Hrithik Kumar Verma and this is my first ever blog post for the python-gsoc community during this period. I will be contributing to Mission Support System during GSoC'21 and the title of my project is "Generating a tool chain tutorial for the MSUI user interface by automation operations." Since the community bonding period has been just over, I wanted to thank all my mentors and the MSS team altogether for providing such a supportive and an exciting peer-learning environment. Right from solving my silly doubts to discussing major talks around the project workflow, they have guided me as well as supported my opinions. It was a happy time learning a lot more about the codebase and interacting with the team members and my GSoC mate.

Talking about my project, it involves 3 major tasks. The first being the implementation of python scripts for the automation of the tutorials. The second being the recording of the scripts. And the third workaround involves the post processing of the auto-generated videos. I will be currently working on the generation of python scripts for automation.

What did I do this week?

This week I mainly wrote a few lines of code for practice purpose needed in my future work. I have to go through a lot of topics required for the automation part such as exploring the PyAutoGui module and the Pytest module deeply. Apart from these things, I have worked on developing a feature for the MSS software which dealt in changing the font sizes of the labels title, plot title and tick labels used in all the views (Top View, Side View, Linear View) implemented within the software. It's already merged in the development branch of Open-MSS.

What is coming up next?

Next, I am all set to start the coding officially. I will start, initially, by writing down the scripts for automating the demonstration of "How to activate a Flight track and deal with waypoints" using the PyAutoGui module.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Many parts of my code require multiprocessing to be implemented in the codebase. In Linux systems fork() is used as default and in Windows there is this spawn() method. I was exploring the differences between both the methods and figuring out ways to implement it in such a way that the code could work in all the platforms conveniently and with ease. During the process, I was stuck in many places, but with a bit of research and with the help from the mentors, I was able to solve it.



Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages