Final touches, Bug Fixing and last week nostalgia

Published: 08/24/2020

This is officially the last working week of Google Summer of Code 2020. This was one of the best experience of my life. I learnt a lot of new things. I saw my knowledge and technical skills growing exponentially with every passing week. I mastered the art of collaborating in a team and drawing inspiration and motivation from my hard working mentors and project partner.

This week I fixed various client and server side issues related to the authentication system and the states depending on it.

I spent time on making a final report for my project to identify the features we have completed. I also wrote about some interesting new ideas that can be added to our user story system.

I will always be a part of my awesome organization and would keep contributing.

I have published my report here -




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages