Weekly Check-In | GSOC'21 | #7

Published: 07/19/2021


The first evaluation period is over now, and first of all, I would like to thank my mentors, @Cynthia Sanchez, @Sorin Curescu, @Kartikay Bhutani, @Aditya Sharma, @Devesh Vijaywargiya, @Shashank, for guiding me through this journey.

What did I do this week?

This week I worked on updating the Stories section in the homepage, user profile page and my stories page by combining the corresponding parts of code into a single React component, thus leading to almost 40% reduction of code in these pages and giving a unified look to the stories section. You can checkout the PR here. Apart from that I worked on optimising the stories search in the New Story page by dynamically fetching the stories from backend as the user types in the story title (Link to PR).

What is coming up next?

I will work on fixing the Cypress tests that I wrote last week. Even though the tests pass most of the times, on certain instances they fail. I am guessing that its failing due to some sort of race condition, which I will be digging up further, this week. Apart from that I will also work on adding more tests and fix some more issues.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

Yeah, while optimising the stories search, I faced difficulty while implementing debounce along with react-promise-tracker and react-hook-form libraries. However, I found some online resources that helped me in accomplishing the goal:

  1. React: How to prevent unnecessary api calls
  2. How to use debounce on input change with React-hook-form library
So that's all for this blog post. Have a nice day.



Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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