Xingyu-Liu's Blog

Week #11: Writing Tests and Finished Submission

Published: 08/24/2021

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Week #10: Supporting immediate arguments in Pythran

Published: 08/17/2021

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Did you get stuck anywhere?

In General implementation of supporting immediate arguments, I met a AttributeError: 'FunctionDef' object has no attribute 'immediate_arguments', the potential solution is hard-code checking if it is FunctionDef object, if so then skip.
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Week #9: Adding tests for Pythran functions, and review the opened PRs

Published: 08/09/2021

What did you do this week?

What is coming up next?

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Stuck in supporting keepdims in numpy mean in Pythran, thanks to Serge, he helped me fixed many problems and this will be completed this week.
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Week #8: Support keepdims in numpy mean, hunt potential algorithms to be improved

Published: 08/03/2021

What did you do this week?

What is coming up next?

Since it is not easy to find good algorithms anymore and we've already improved some, it is time to change the plan. Therefore, I will work on:
  • Use Pytest and Decorator to support different dype input testing for Pythran imporved functions.
  • Revisit the algorithms we worked, get a final conclusion maybe.
  • Finish supporting keepdims in numpy mean in Pythran

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Stuck in supporting keepdims in numpy mean in Pythran and finding potential algorithms.
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Week #7: Support keepdims in Pythran's numpy mean

Published: 07/26/2021

What did you do this week?

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Did you get stuck anywhere?

While supporting keepdims in numpy mean, I added a function mean(E const &expr, types::none_type axis, dtype d, std::true_type keepdims) , but I'm not sure how can I declare the return for this function . I think we need to calculated the out_shape so we can -> decltype(numpy::functor::asarray{}(sum(expr) / typename dtype::type(expr.flat_size())).reshape(out_shape))
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