Hey, there!
Welcome to my second weekly check-in blog.
What did you do this week?
This is supposed to my third week after coding period started. I have done a lot of things until then. I used this whole first month(almost a month) in designing prototypes on Adobe XD. Firstly I designed initial wireframe of the Landing page of EOS icons(The one I am working on from scratch). Then I designed the cheat sheet which is like a subpage of eos-icons(which will contain all the icons). Then recently I created the High definition mockup of the Landing page by filling colours and details on the webpage and also I merged the landing page with the cheat sheet. You can check these out at - https://xd.adobe.com/view/1e347146-935b-4dec-498f-0ac63d5c7f1a-6805/.
I don't know if this link is still working when you are reading this or not because Adobe provides only one link on the free account and hence I have to generate new links every time I create something new on the Adobe XD. Apologies if it's not working.
What is coming up next?
Now that my designs are ready, I need to implement those on the web address - https://eos-icons.eosdesignsystem.com/.I need to code the frontend of the designs that I created recently using Adobe XD. This is going to be amazing.
Did you get stuck anywhere?
Yes, I had a hard time figuring the layout and the design for the landing page and the cheatsheet. Since I was trying to think something new and out of the box from scratch, therefore, I took more time than I expected. Other than this it has been amazing till now and I hope I will get much better soon.
So, I will shut up, for now, thanks for reading all this.