Week 2 Check-in

Published: 06/08/2020

Hello World,

It's me, Abi again. Hope everyone is safe, what a challenging time to live!. Corona cases are increasing day-by-day here. Many restrictions which were held previously been lifted. Individuals should take necessary precaution for their own health and for the community as whole. I would recommend to read "The Plague" by Albert Camus, which deals with similar conditions as now.

What did you do this week ?

Mostly creating a prototype to get more Idea about the project. Also the PR I was stuck last week was merged. My mentor improved the internal testing infrastructure, thus the issue was resolved.

Did you get stuck anywhere ?

No, But I have some more doubts to get cleared in next week.

What is coming up next ?

I got the feedback for the prototype, So I would be building a better version next week.

"There's no question of heroism in all this. It's a matter of common decency. That's an idea which may make some people smile, but the only means of fighting a plague is — common decency." - Albert Camus (The plague)




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