Week 8

Published: 07/25/2023

What Did I do this week

I wrote tests and completed all functionality for the "Exclude GUI..." project this week. It's almost done, thanks to timely reviews by the Vorta maintainers.

Did I get stuck somewhere

I am stuck with small error in my second last task for the "Improve Archive Table actions...." PR. I asked for help from the Vorta maintainers and my fellow GSoC participants. I can't duplicate the error since I deleted my old database and the error is related to migrations.

What's next

I'll get more reviews on the "Exclude GUI..." PR and might get it merged around the first week of August. I'll resume work on the Borgmatic docs PR next week and try to get it merged. This week, apart from the "Exclude GUI..." project, I'll try to get the "inline archive renaming" PR merged.




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages