6th Last or Inception of new road Blog Post

Published: 08/17/2019

My best three months now come close to end but I am very happy from myself because I have completed my project before time. Upto this time my all project goals are completed i.e MVP, test and refactoring of code all of them is done. Just one pr regarding the reconnecting is on verge of merging which is a extended goals for the gsoc period. What I can say about past 3 months I don't have words to describe these days, I learned a lot of things like WebSocket, Gatsby and Jest. I spent entire time learning these technology and implementing them in my GatsbyJs preview project. Websocket for handling the websocket event fired from the backend of Plone CMS. Gatsby API, docs and gatsby-source-filesystem to learn how to implement the functionality for updating content on real time. Jest for writing test of implemented feature. I big thankyou to my mentor datakurre who helped me in completing the project. He was active throughout the project and solve my doubts regarding the project. He helped me out whenever I stuck at certain point. I learned a lot of things at the end of this program which is not avialable to most developer i.e refactoring the codebase. I have flatten the codebase by splitting the large function into the smaller ones. Out project contains a util.Js file which contains all the methods and function for the entire project. I refactored this utils file into small separate function file and now our codebase look neat, clean and enhanced code readability. Splitting into different files also helps us in refactoring the codebase from js to typescript which is our future plan. During the implementation I faced a interesting problem i.e how I grouped different functions into single file and separate those which is not related. I make a proper hierarchical order and resolve this issue.

Thank you to Python Foundation to giving me such a wonderful opportunity to work on real world project which is used by different people all around the world. I learned some cool concept and get a valuable experience of my life :)




Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (11 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


Log messages