swsrkty's Blog

Blog #22

Published: 11/15/2022


I’m really excited as this is my last week of coding for this program although I'm going to miss writing my blogs. As I write this now, I feel overwhelmed and happy to look back on the wonderful journey. Getting on to what I did the previous week, I completed building the CLI tool, wrote the documentation and a few tests. I was stuck for a while during the local build but my mentors helped me with that. I’m currently writing the GSoC final evaluation report and also trying the local build to check if everything works fine. In the coming weeks, you won’t see any weekly blogs from my side but I’ll continue contributing to MSS and work on the stretch goals. All said and done, I want to thank Google, Python Software Foundation, my awesome mentors, my friend Anand and family for all the support. This journey wouldn’t have been successful without you all!

: )

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Weekly Check-In #21

Published: 11/10/2022


What did you do this week?

This week I tried to fix the errors in refactoring and I asked my mentors for help. They helped me and I was able to fix them. I’m currently working on the CLI tool to read settings from a json file. I’m also excited and nervous at the same time as my final evaluation is next week.

What is coming up next?

In the coming week, I’ll be working on testing the CLI tool and also writing documentation for it.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

No, I didn’t get stuck anywhere.

: )

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Blog #20

Published: 10/31/2022


In the past week I received a review on my PR on refactorisation. I’m working on fixing those issues. We also had a meet where I clarified my doubts regarding the CLI tool. I wasn’t well towards the end of the week due to which I couldn’t work much. I’m better now and I’ll continue with fixing the errors in the refactoring. In the coming week after fixing the errors, I’ll continue my work on the CLI Tool.

: )

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Weekly Check-In #19

Published: 10/26/2022


What did you do this week?

This week I worked on refactoring and testing of the top, side and linear views. I completed most of it and have asked my mentor for a review. One issue I faced was the labels weren’t getting plotted while testing in the plot module. I have asked a doubt regarding that to my mentor. I also started working on the CLI tool and I completed a prototype tool using Click.

What is coming up next?

In the coming week I’ll be working on building the CLI tool to address the 2 use cases mentioned in my proposal.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

No, I didn’t get stuck anywhere.

: )

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Published: 10/19/2022



In the past week I worked on testing the interactor classes. As I worked on it, I realised more changes need to be done in the refactoring process. So currently I'm doing the refactoring and also testing at the same time.I got stuck for a while in the process while I was not getting the path and labels plotted. My mentors have given me some comments on the same and I'm working on it now. I also got some time to read the documentation of Click, which is the library I'm using to build the CLI tool. I hope to complete the refactoring and testing within a few days and continue with building the CLI tool.


: )

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Settings from gsoc.settings



SQL queries from 1 connection

Static files (2312 found, 3 used)

Templates (28 rendered)

Cache calls from 1 backend


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