leovictorsr's Blog

It's the final countdown - 6th blog post

Published: 08/22/2019

Hello everyone!


This week started with an extra dosage of anxiety for me. The deadline is coming, and I know I have a lot to work yet.

Even though the look was too much to do for so little time, that actually got me motivated, and I started to not let the anxiety get to me.

I coded a lot this week. And I enjoyed it like I didn't for a couple weeks. Not only I had to create a new part of the setup for the CLI, I had to test and document it. Julio said that I should've split in lesser PRs, but honestly, even though I iterated on my code, I only thought in reviewing every part alone and writing more, until it was finished. Every little method I wrote, I reviewed it in the next day, until I knew I was satisfied with what I wrote. The feeling of having thought of every case, every part of your code is really compensating, and that's what I was looking for in GSoC.

So, yes, I am happy that is coming to an end; not because it's ending, but because I learned a lot and even though I doubted myself many times, I was able to go through it and that's something that no one can evaluate for me.

I look forward to contributing even more to the open source community. I was always afraid of the feedback and the interaction with so many diverse people. But, to be honest, it seems to be where I can learn the most, and learning is what I like the most to do. So that's also thanks to the GSoC program.

I'm thankful for my mentors as well; they were with me in this journey, and I look forward to working with them in the Python community. I am also decided to go to Python Brazil in October, and enjoy it for the community as well.


Leonardo Rodrigues.

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6th weekly check-in

Published: 08/13/2019

Hello everyone!

This weekly check-in is related to the scheduled for August 12.

1. What did you do this week?

- Documentation

- Tests writing

- New user input validation for monitors setup

- Item validation setup tests writing

- Item validation setup code writing

- Item pipelines enabling by the command-line interface


2. What is coming up next week?

- Item validation code finished

- Item validation code review

- Monitor setup merge to the project's repository


3. Did you get stuck anywhere?

- Modelling a valid and efficient way for validating user inputs from the CLI

- How to write good documentation


Can't believe we're getting to the end. These months went through so fast. I'm happy with my development in this project, and I am happy with everything I learned. I'm excited to see code I created going into the project's code.

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Time is running out - 5th blog post

Published: 08/05/2019

Hello everyone.


The time is finally getting into me. I feel I am really late on everything I planned, and I know I am the one to blame.

This week we finally merged my code for the command setup, and with it we had tests, documentation and the fix of the first issues.

What mostly got into me was the lack of knowledge about how to fulfill a full project. I underestimated the tasks, and didn't pay attention to all the details it was necessary for my project to be 100%. This serves as learning, as now I am way more confident about planning, coding and delivering a full-realized project.

Delays are expected; that's why I left a 3-weeks time for writing and polishing before the end of the period. What I didn't expect was that I had so much to learn and my motivation dropping together with my university exams week. Today I feel more motivated, as one step of the project was fulfilled, and I know I still have a chance to do better until the end of the program. That's where my focus will be.

Writing code is not only about knowing the tools, but creativity and time commitment. Thinking is crucial for a good code, but also is having a good pace on how you're writing. Keeping communication with my mentors was hard to me, but within the period of 2 weeks of good communication I finally got back on track.

I expect to be way more positive in my next blog post :-)

And with more PRs merged!


Leonardo Rodrigues.

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5th weekly checkin

Published: 07/29/2019

Hello everyone!

This weekly check-in is related to the scheduled for July 29.

1. What did you do this week?

This week I got my PR merged. I finished the tests for command setup and am now editing the documentation.

2. What is coming up next?

After the documentation is accepted, I will work on enable the validation command.

3. Did you get stuck anywhere?

I got stuck in thinking some unit tests and had to travel to my family's home so got less time to work with on Thursday.


Leonardo Rodrigues.

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4th weekly check-in

Published: 07/18/2019

Hello everyone!

This weekly check-in is related to the scheduled for July 15.

1. What did you do this week?

Reviewed the code for the `spidermon setup` command so far. Merged setup with enable command and wrote tests for the new modules I wrote.

2. What is coming up next?

Finishing tests and documentation.

3. Did you get stuck anywhere?

Besides my final exams, I really stuck on writing tests. I had no idea how to use pytest fixtures and how they would help my testing. Now I'm getting used to the library and its features and I'm writing relevant tests for my new utils modules.


Leonardo Rodrigues.

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