abhinandan0659's Blog

Final weekly check-in #7

Published: 08/26/2019

Hey! Wassup?
Time has passed and it's my final blog for Google Summer of code 2019. Every day was just amazing, I learned a lot, enjoyed a lot, worked a lot. This was really a life-changing experience, I am starting to feel different, look at this world from a different angle and I am myself a-lot different from the time when I started this.
Now, about the work:
What did you do this week?
Well, I finished with the implementation of the documentation page of EOS-Icons. I just created a PR for that. PR link - https://gitlab.com/SUSE-UIUX/eos-icons-landing/merge_requests/22. This documentation page will be published at - https://eos-icons.eosdesignsystem.com/docs.html. 
I also finished my final evaluations and created my final work report.
What's coming next?
I also created a new PR for a few adjustments on the EOS-Icons landing page. I am planning to refactor the code and improve responsiveness. So, I am working on that now. Later I will work on a few other things that are still pending, mainly deploying strapi on Heroku.
Did you stuck anywhere?
Not really, this week was just about documentation and most of which was already on the readme, so it wasn't that of a big deal.
So, ya this was all for my Google Summer of code 2019. Well, I won't be updating this blog for my future work because this was just for GSoC period. Maybe you can check me out on other platforms.
Here is my linked-in - https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhinandan-sharma-672299150/
My twitter - https://twitter.com/abhinandan0659

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Seventh Blog - GSOC 2019

Published: 08/19/2019

Hey! welcome back.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, internet services were paused here in J&K, India. And internet is not back yet. But somehow I have internet access, and its a long story(see previous blog). 

Lets come to main point. I was working on the cheatsheet and was fixing some landing page bugs when internet stopped working here. After that I somehow managed to finish those changes.

Then a week ago I started working on the documentation page. I finished the working prototype of that a few days ago and right now mentors are reviewing that. 

In the meanwhile I am trying to implement the documentation section. Originally I had to use opensource CMS, Strapi  which will manage all our content and documentation page was to made separate from rest of the website and has to be generated through API. But since time is less mentors decided to leave that for later. So, right now I am creating that page within the main repo and after that when it is complete, I will start working on Strapi and then separate this documentation section from the main menu.

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Weekly check-in #6

Published: 08/12/2019


Well, this was suppose to be my 6th weekly check-in and I had to tell what I did this week, what I am going to do next and where did i stuck.

But this week something else happened. Internet was shut down in my college, home, everywhere and It was so frustrating. And internet is not working even now. But I managed to somehow find a place near my college where this person has his own personal owned network and its working, its terribly slow but working. I go there for a few hours everyday and try to do some work. Well we were not even allowed to leave college but now things are better. I hope internet gets back soon!.

Let me explain briefly why this happened:

I live in a state called J&K(Jammu and Kashmir) which is a part of India but there was a law which kept this state isolated from rest of the country. On 5 august this law(actually these were two articles) was removed and J&K is officially the part of India. Everyone is happy except for a terrorist group which is planing to launch a huge terrorist attack here in J&K . To prevent this Indian government has paused all the internet and transport services, roads are closed, we were not allowed to leave the University because of this high alert. But... somehow I managed to get out of college and get to this shop nearby which has its own private owned network and its still working. Its very slow but working. So, yeah I am texting you from there. Sorry for making this so boring but this is it.

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Weekly check-in #6

Published: 08/12/2019


Well, this was suppose to be my 6th weekly check-in and I had to tell what I did this week, what I am going to do next and where did i stuck.

But this week something else happened. Internet was shut down in my college, home, everywhere and It was so frustrating. And internet is not working even now. But I managed to somehow find a place near my college where this person has his own personal owned network and its working, its terribly slow but working. I go there for a few hours everyday and try to do some work. Well we were not even allowed to leave college but now things are better. I hope internet gets back soon!.

Let me explain briefly why this happened:

I live in a state called J&K(Jammu and Kashmir) which is a part of India but there was a law which kept this state isolated from rest of the country. On 5 august this law(actually these were two articles) was removed and J&K is officially the part of India. Everyone is happy except for a terrorist group which is planing to launch a huge terrorist attack here in J&K . To prevent this Indian government has paused all the internet and transport services, roads are closed, we were not allowed to leave the University because of this high alert. But... somehow I managed to get out of college and get to this shop nearby which has its own private owned network and its still working. Its very slow but working. So, yeah I am texting you from there. Sorry for making this so boring but this is it.

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Weekly check-in #6

Published: 08/12/2019


Well, this was suppose to be my 6th weekly check-in and I had to tell what I did this week, what I am going to do next and where did i stuck. 

But this week something else happened. Internet was shut down in my college, home, everywhere and It was so frustrating. And internet is not working even now. But I managed to somehow find a place near my college where this person has his own personal owned network and its working, its terribly slow but working. I go there for a few hours everyday and try to do some work. Well we were not even allowed to leave college but now things are better. I hope internet gets back soon!. 

Let me explain briefly why this happened:

I live in a state called J&K(Jammu and Kashmir) which is a part of India but there was a law which kept this state isolated from rest of the country.
On 5 august this law(actually these were two articles) was removed and J&K is officially the part of India. Everyone is happy except for a terrorist group which is planing to launch a huge terrorist attack here in J&K .
To prevent this Indian government has paused all the internet and transport services, roads are closed, we were not allowed to leave the University because of this high alert.
But... somehow I managed to get out of college and get to this shop nearby which has its own private owned network and its still working. Its very slow but working. So, yeah I am texting you from there. Sorry for making this so boring but this is it.

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